Confessor - Official Website


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Release Date: 2005
Genre: Doom, Technical
1. Cross The Bar
2. Until Tomorrow
3. Wigstand
4. Blueprint Soul
5. The Downside
6. Sour Times
7. Hibernation
8. Strata Of Fear

Review by JD on July 23, 2012.

Catching my ear is not the easiest thing to do, not in the least. I have heard so many bands over my career as a musician, writer and engineer that I have become picky as hell on what I listen to and the why I do so as well. They have to have something that makes them stick out so I take instant notice. I think that this might be on of those rare albums that has captured my elusive attention.

Hailing from the Tar Heel state of North Carolina where bands like Corrosion Of Conformity and Daylight Dies come from, Doom/Progressive veterans Confessor’s 2005 release is a near perfect album in every way. Playing what I can easily explain is majestic Doom Metal raised to the next level, this band has elevated everything and completely made it over while still keeping the sombre yet heaviness that make it perfectly.

I was left absolutely breathless and in this deep state of awe when I heard the melancholy yet so very haunting track 'Wig Stand' the first time... it was one of the most intense and incredible Doom songs I have ever heard, and I have been a My Dying Bride fan since the beginning. I was impressed with all the songs that they have delivered, but that one track left me feeling like I had heard the hand of doom slamming my very soul into little pieces only to gather them up and keep them close to a darkened heart it has - it was exhilarating and chilling all at once.

Buy this album, listen to it many times and then do it again for more fun. It is perhaps where Doom Metal, or even metal as a whole, needs to go to keep growing. This is some of the best of the best, and I will be listening to this album probably at the exact time as you will be read my little excited metal rants here.

Join me, and become a part of the Confessor Cult. I am a member... horns fucking high my metal family... your addiction is served - I ‘confess’.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 10
Atmosphere: 10
Production: 9.5
Originality: 10
Overall: 10

Rating: 9.9 out of 10
