Armoured Angel - Official Website


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Type: EP
Release Date: 1992
Label: Independent
Genre: Speed, Thrash
1. Hymn Of Hate
2. Beyond The Sacrament
3. Stigmartyr
4. Ordained In Darkness

Review by Felix on December 12, 2021.

Armoured Angel, the band that separated thrash from speed, had a pronounced weakness for EPs. Stigmartyr, the release that celebrates this year its 25th anniversary, was the third release with exactly four pieces. But it's not only the format that reminds me of the previously produced Wings Of Death and Communion. The music also stands in the tradition of these works. Abrasive guitars lay the foundation for ironclad riffs and the result is once again impressive. Armoured Angel create an oppressive atmosphere that casts its spell on the listener.

The closer 'Ordained By Darkness' is the piece that puts the focus extremely on a dark and nightmarish mood. Is it really a song or just a generously designed outro? I don't care. The fact is that spoken vocals and a hysterical crowd generate a terrifying aura. This tune contrasts with the comparatively quick title track. 'Stigmartyr' convinces with the interplay of sawing guitars and sinister lines. This is not a speed track in the stricter sense, but it holds some more or less explosive parts that add a furious touch to the usually very controlled approach of the band; and it belongs to the highlights of the entire band catalogue.

Remarkable is the production. It emphasises the monolithic, almost monotonous (yet fascinating) compositions in a very suitable manner. One does not find any sign of happiness while the malignant guitars dominate the sound. The rhythm section does not come off badly and the hoarse voice of the lead singer strikes the right tone. Honestly speaking: it's more or less one and the same tone during the entire EP, but I don't care a pap for it. Thrash metal is no playground for opera singers. Can I have an award for this innovative finding?

Unlike its predecessors and probably due to the fact that this EP was not published by Hells Headbangers Records, it provides two songs on both sides instead of having united all tracks on one side. This means that we have a very homogeneous A side, because both songs of the first half lie between the two pieces that I have already described. Dark and somewhat grim guitars lead the listener to the forecourt of hell, not rapidly but with a firm grip. With that said, it comes as no surprise that the EP delivers only strong and subliminally violent material without any form of technical gimmicks. No frills thrash with class, this is the name of the game; and there can be no doubt that this game evokes a lot of dark emotions.

Rating: 8.4 out of 10
