Morbific - Official Website

Ominous Seep Of Putridity

Finland Country of Origin: Finland

1. Ominous Seep Of Putridity
2. Necroslaver
3. Ravening Slasher Creep
4. Cadaveric Maggot Farm
5. Deformed In Phantasmal Fog
6. Cauldron Of Execution
7. Sulfuric Funeral
8. Sawmill In The Mist
9. Perverted Surgery
10. The Racking Garden

Review by chrisc7249 on January 8, 2023.

Finland has been a hotspot for crunchy death metal since the 1990s, and bands like Morbific keep that tradition alive thirty years later. Pummeling as fuck, and lathered with groove and atmosphere, these Finnish newcomers have crafted a vicious slab of old school-styled death metal that is sure to be a repeated listen for fans of extreme metal around the globe, myself included.

The band's style certainly isn't breaking any new ground, as most modern extreme metal tends not to do, but they do pay homage to old school bands extremely well. This is tight, punchy death metal that will have your head bobbing the whole time. The riffs are simple, yet refreshing and never fail to feel like a kick straight to the gut from a steel-toed boot. They're more in line with American bands like Incantation, Autopsy and perhaps even a little Cannibal Corpse than the oddball Finnish bands of yesteryear such as Demilich and Adramelech… still, the music has a Finnish touch to it that would be sure to make their ancestors proud.

Perhaps the greatest aspect of this album is the immensely thick and lively production. The guitars are full of menace, the drums are punchy, and the bass has an earth shattering tone that could melt your innards if and when played at a loud enough volume. The vocals are grisly as fuck, foreboding and ultimately disgusting. The musicianship is tight and it's clear from the get go that this three-piece knows what they're doing.

Fans of Cerebral Rot and other cavernous death metal bands would be doing themselves a disservice to not listen to this record at least once… nothing you haven't heard before, but a meaty slab of pure old school death metal that is sure to have you coming back for more, time and time again.

Rating: 8 out of 10
