A. Lostfield - Official Website

Internal Affairs

Colombia Country of Origin: Colombia

1. Dreaming About Scars
2. Forgotten Story
3. I Still Pretend
4. Internal
5. Hide Your Face
6. Marks From The Past
7. Just The Things You Know

Review by JD on July 18, 2010.

Hailing from the heat of Columbia, Recording Engineer A. Lostfield has put together a project with two others that is now being unleashed on all of us salivating metal masses all over the globe.

This project is dolling out some old school metal with varying yet delicious twists that are from many other styles of metal (from Death, Thrash, Power to even Progressive leanings) which plot out the album’s direction of musicality and hammers home the talent these three guys have. With great lyrics and insanely amazing music to go along with...the album was a superb slab of metallic genius with a capital ‘S’.

With complex melodies, heartfelt passion throughout this overwhelming feeling of power that blends well with the somewhat disjointed yet still accessible vocals, al of that throws an impressive accent onto each note the CD holds. Every last one of the songs are almost haunting in their brilliance, delivering that sort of pure power and might that only all forms of metal could ever deliver.

The one drawback to Mr. Lostfield’s album was that it was more than just over produced in most places, it was throughout the CD, but that is just a personal taste from yours truly. In all outstanding album has been handed over, and it will be one that many will enjoy. Anyone gotta beer...I need to listen to this album one more time.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 8.5
Atmosphere: 8
Production: 7 (over produced- loses a little power)
Originality: 8
Overall: 8.5

Rating: 8.0 out of 10
