Insulter - News

MB on Spotify - May summary

Greetings fellow metalheads!

May has given us quite a lot of stuff to listen to, as you have probably noticed. If not, jump on the links below, but first - some descriptions, short and long,  so that you know what to expect.

We've had quite a variety in singles section,  deathcore, doom/sludge, death metal, slam, thrash metal, prog metal, black metal, power metal, heavy metal and obviously mixed concoctions of all of the above in random proportions. Interesting positions here are: new singles from Enslaved, Aversions Crown, Katalepsy, Slaughter to Prevail, Veil of Maya, Avatar, Protest the Hero, Mantar, Garganjua, Carach Angren and Volturyon to just mention the biggest names. But also we have brand new old-school death metal The Scum, old-school Austrian Deathstorm and WitchKiss which reminds me a bit of Tronos and operates in the area of doom/sludge. Here's the link for you to check them all out:

EPs also haven't failed last month and provided some interesting sounds from various sub-genres of metal. Chaos over Cosmos is an interesting, international online project playing progressive metal. Tombstoner released their first EP, playing some good old-school death metal, Killswitch Engage gave us b-sides, but if you're into more dirty and noisy stuff you can check Purveyors of Sonic Doom with their take on doom/sludge or if you haven't heard any good speed metal recently, check out EP from Tøronto hailing from... Sweden, obviously:

Now, the amount of albums that we were given in May is a real chest of treasures. We have big names like Vader, Paradise Lost, Centinex, Sinister, Green Carnation and comebacks from ...and Oceans and Naglfar. And finally full-length I was waiting for - melodic death/black mixture from Sodomisery "The Great Demise". But May basically has answers to all your metal needs. You're into melodic, folky death metal? Æther Realm. Melodic, prog/death? Temnein. Death metal with hardcore? Xibalba. You want thrash? Havok from US. Thrash with crossover? Basement Critters. Black metal? Odraza, Irdorath, Ante-Inferno. Black metal with punk elements? Black Pestilence. Black metal with folk elements? Old Corpse Road. Pagan black? Horn. Progressive sludge/doom? Alkymist. Death/thrash/sludge mixture? Shatter Brain. Death with some thrashy elements? Bloodyard. Raw death metal? Violent Hammer. Death metal mixed with grindcore and crust? Jonny Pettersson's another project Henry Kane is for you. Technical thrash/death? Cryptic Shift. You're into Southern/stoner metal/rock? Desert Storm has something for you. Gothic rock/metal? Secrets of the Moon. Psychedelic/stoner stuff? Black Rainbows. You want to try some post-black/shoegaze mixture? It means you want to try An Autumn for Crippled Children. You want to have some giggles while listening to brutal death/grindcore? You need to check Mike Litoris Complot. Unless you want a funny technical melodic death metal, then you should try an all-star band from Canada - Killitorous (I'm sure similarity between these two bandnames is purely coincidental). Here's the link with all of the above:

Even though live shows were still on hold in May, it doesn't mean we didn't get any new live releases - we have another Non:Analog - On:Stage release from Death with their show in Tampa, Florida in 1989, live album from Soulfly recorded in 2019 and two live versions of "The Attack of the Dead Men" by Sabaton. Longing for those moments when you're covered in mud during festival? Why not make some mud in your bathroom and click the link below? (apparently bathroom has the best acoustics anyway, so you have our permission to click any of the MetalBite's links while you're there actually):

And if you're into "best of" compilations, we've been blessed (or cursed, depending on your angle) with all albums released by Pestilence under Roadrunner label and all albums by Overkill from 1987 to 1994:

Don't forget to visit our profile regularly as we already have some exciting stuff on our June playlists. Make sure you click those 3 dots and choose "Add to Your Library" to stay up to date as soon as new stuff comes out (mostly Fridays).

Mosh responsibly \m/

Entered: 6/11/2020 9:05:45 AM