Nevermore - Official Website - Interview

Dead Heart In A Dead World

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Dead Heart In A Dead World
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: September 13th, 2000
Genre: Heavy, Progressive, Thrash
1. Narcosynthesis
2. We Disintegrate
3. Inside Four Walls
4. Evolution 169
5. The River Dragon Has Come
6. The Heart Collector
7. Engines Of Hate
8. The Sound Of Silence
9. Insignificant
11. Dead Heart In A Dead World

Review by Michael on January 3, 2002.

Stand back Scandinavia as we have a new heir to the Melodic Metal throne....America's Nevermore. Hailing from the Kurt Cobain-made famous Seattle, Nevermore are certainly causing waves in the metal community with their ultra tight technical abilities. To be honest, I had never had much time for Nevermore prior to this album, I had heard "Dreaming Neon Black" on a few occassions and they had not made a huge impression on me, it was only after I was told to buy the album by a certain member of Soilwork because he was totally blown away with the skill of guitarist Jeff Loomis that I decided I'll give them another shot...

After having "Dead Heart in a Dead World" turning in my CD player for almost two weeks now, I'd have to say now I'm impressed. From the massive opener 'Narcosynthesis' this album just keeps getting better. Every song on this CD is as brilliant as the last, there are no bad or weak tracks to be found. This album is one of, if not the best Melodic Metal album to date, the attention to detail is amazing, the production and recording is really some of the best to be found outside pop and the musicianship is top class. As mentioned before, Nevermore really have put the US back on the map in the Melodic scene with this "Dead Heart in a Dead World".

Musically, Nevermore have got it right with this CD. The guitar lines a great, modern and in keeping with the trend that Melodic Metal has been taking over the past year or so but still maintaining just enough old school feeling to keep everyone throw in some amazingly and sometimes decievingly technical solo's and you've got everything you need. The sound is very well produced, geling perfectly with the bass to create a seriously heavy tone that when combined with the again very well recorded and mixed drums creates a massive end result. Vocally Warren Dale has outdone himself with this album. I can only describe his style as he sounds like a operatic tainted stage performer. His vocal strength and resonance certainly leads me to the conclusion that he has recieved some classical voice training in his younger years. His vocal lines are strong and his lyrics are brilliant, some of the best writing I've heard in many years.

Bottom Line: Nevermore have just set a new level for Melodic Metal around the world. If you are into Melodic Metal in any way, buy this album.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 10
Atmosphere: 10
Production: 10
Originality: 7
Overall: 10

Rating: 9.4 of 10
