Burden Of Life - Official Website

In The Wake Of My Demise

Germany Country of Origin: Germany

In The Wake Of My Demise
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Type: EP
Release Date: 2010
Label: Self Released
Genre: Death, Melodic
1. Your Ruin, My Relief
2. Breathing The Soil
3. Behold A Burning Soul
4. In The Wake Of My Demise

Review by JD on March 16, 2011.

I remember one of this German outfit other albums ("Ashes Of Existence") that I reviewed a few years back. I recall that I was confused with the album. There was this feel of pure magic, but the band had not brought that to the forefront to show the great talent they have, they seemed musically flat. Now with the release of their EP "In The Wake Of My Demise" I see if they have finally got it right.

Mixing the power of Children Of Bodom with smatterings of Iron Maiden and Technocracy and a wee bit of Nightwish and Melodic Death Metal they come out sounding fresh and better than ever. With melodies that soar and pounding rhythms that explode out they finally find their form and now are what they have been trying for. They may use the influences of all of these bands and more, but they have developed a sound that is unique and powerful out of using their God given talents.

This four song EP is amazing, aside from being way too short, proving that bands that strive to get better do. BOL clearly are a band that has come into their own and are handing the metal world a small slice of heaven. It was exactly what I had been wishing the band to do, but they have surpassed even my hopes. Each song is a gem, and will just get better with each play.

Buy or die is so 80's but fits here. This is a EP that is so good, you can overlook the fact that this was a EP to begin with. It is just another step for Burden Of Life rise to the metal apex. Truly, this is a album that really delivers some of the best metal, and is better than their last album by leaps and bounds. Just go out and buy the thing, ok?

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 8
Atmosphere: 8
Production: 8
Overall: 8

Rating: 8.0 out of 10
