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The Great Southern Darkness

France Country of Origin: France

1. Dark Gnosis
2. Secret Ride To Rebellion
3. They Call Me Black Devil
4. Negative Incarnate
5. Bring Down The Cosmic Scheme
6. The Great Southern Darkness
7. The Foolhardy Venturer
8. Per Nox Regna
9. The Science Of Shifting
10. Chaos Manifested
11. Horns In My Pathway

Review by Adam M on January 14, 2012.

This is a decidedly groovy platter of dark blues-influenced metal. It takes on both a similarly evil vibe to Deathspell Omega, but also a southern sound that recalls the likes of Soilent Green, Crowbar and others occupying that genre. The overall result is a resounding sound that constantly rolls along in a groovy and infectious manner. There is a level of dissonance in the riffs that gives the band a distinctive sound, but also ties them to Deathspell Omega.

The album certainly isn’t beautiful sounding by any means, but it isn’t really raw either. Instead it occupies a sort of dirty blues territory that is a nice change of pace from a lot of the other metal that you’ll hear these days. For the most part "The Great Southern Darkness" is very consistent and entertaining throughout. It does become a little choppier towards the latter portions of the album, but the final closing moments in 'Horns In My Pathway' are among the most exciting to be found. The added elements of a southern bluesy approach is what makes this album a little more interesting and stand out from the pack.

Though it’s no masterpiece, "The Great Southern Darkness" is a thoroughly enjoyable listen that brings massive sonic grooves to the table. Glorior Belli has a winner on their hands.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 9
Atmosphere: 9
Production: 8
Originality: 8
Overall: 8.5

Rating: 8.5 out of 10
