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The Wings Of War

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The Wings Of War
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: February 22nd, 2019
Genre: Thrash

Review by Death8699 on July 10, 2019.

This album is a monument of thrash inculcated! All 51 minutes in its length is worth mentioning because the music just flows resoundingly. Not a dull riff, lead or vocals. It's solid the whole way through. The production was supreme as well. Everything mixed well in this one helluva release. There are some bands the don't progress during their musical career, but Overkill keeps coming back with kick ass albums. A notch better to me then The Grinding Wheel, their previous release. I can't think of an album by Overkill that I haven't liked. Their musicianship reigns supreme and it just keeps getting better.

Their ideas for songs never let up, they are just thrash metal geniuses. They've never changed their style of music. Metallica said they'd never change their style of music and look what happened to them musically. Overkill is in another dimension. That's what makes them so likable. Bobby has some unique vocals too. They've never changed over the years. And the thrash metal are their roots that they never gave up. But yeah, it's like look who made the millions: Metallica. But look who's still kicking ass over the years. It's Overkill. They play for the love of the music not for how to make money playing their music.

Most of this album is thrash with some bits of clean vocals and music. Very small amounts of this. The leads like I said are good, just a bit on the sloppy side. I wouldn't say that about the rhythms though. If I were them, I'd take out all of the leads and play just rhythms but that's just me. A lot of bands are like that, their rhythms are dynamic, but their lead guitars are sloppy. It's alright though, just something for them to think about later on when doing the songwriting. Maybe get a guest musician like Harry from Destruction as an example. He can still kick ass on lead guitar. But anyway, enough about the leads.

You should check out this album. It's so killer I'd have to say listen to it ad nauseum and see if your opinion is similar to mine. It probably will be. I'm not sure why some people disagree and claim that it's not worthy of much praise, it's only mediocre. A band that kicks ass like these guys it never gets old! All of the riffs are awesome, they're quite catchy, too! The mixing and production do them justice in the making of this album. These guys may have a few more records left before they call it quits, though not anytime soon. I doubt it at least. Get the CD!!

Rating: 8 out of 10
