Disrupted - Official Website

Morbid Death

Sweden Country of Origin: Sweden

Morbid Death
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: April 25th, 2015
Genre: Death
1. Vicious Howling
2. The Tempter
3. Droning Thoughts
4. Cusp Of Evil
5. War(craft) Symphony
6. Hellish Warfare
7. Prayers Of The Dead
8. Carnage Ceremony
9. Releasing Inner Demon
10. Pure Hate
11. Human Debris
12. Hallucination
13. War Of The Worlds
1. Rotten
2. Feast On The Priest
3. From The Tomb
4. Funeral Creep
5. Psalm For The Slaughtered
6. Maimed And Devoured
7. Resurrected
8. Behead The Dead
9. Buried In Bowels
10. Christian Death