
The Spirit - with Matthias Trautes (vocals, guitars)
"Songs Against Humanity" (read full review here) sound quite misanthropic and differs quite significant from the previous album...
Svarttjern - with Hans Fyrste (vocals)
Although I have followed the band for many years now, I guess to most people listening to black metal, Svarttjern is still quite...
Bütcher - with R Hellshrieker (vocals)
If there is one thing that the Belgian black/thrash/speed metal band Bütcher made sure with their new album "On Fowl of Tyrant...
Ancient - with Lord Kaiaphas (vocals, drums)
For anyone who has followed the longest enduring acts from the 90's Norwegian black metal scene, you have most likely heard the...
Vrazorth - with Vra (everything)
One-man project Vrazorth is a new gem in the black metal scene and self-released its debut album "Emergence" a couple of months...
Zemial - with Archon Vorskaath (everything)
One of the greatest and very unique Greek black metal acts which has been around for more than three decades now, but have rarely...
Necrodeath - with Pier Gonella (guitars) and Gianluca Fontana (bass)
Genoa's extreme metal masterminds Necrodeath have been infesting the underground with violence and occult subjects for the last...
Century - with Staffan Tengnér (guitars, vocals, bass) and Leo Ekström Sollenmo (drums, bass)
The Swedish two-piece band Century is currently regarded as one of the real sensations of contemporary traditional heavy metal...
Gates Of Ishtar - with Andreas Johansson (guitars) and Tomas Jutenfäldt (guitars)
There are so many reasons why the Swedish melodic death metal scene has been so well received worldwide throughout the years, but...
The Old Dead Tree - with Manuel Munoz (vocals, guitars)
The Old Dead Tree - a French institution whose music has always been of a deeply artful and personal nature has returned. Let the...
Frozen Forest - with Mihovil "Frost" Konečni (vocals, guitars)
The Croatian black metal band Frozen Forest has been around for nearly 2 decades now, and over the years they certainly managed...
Violentor - with Alessio "Dog" Medici (vocals, guitars)
Italy's filthiest and primitive thrash/speed metal band Violentor returns this year with another bestial banger of an album...
Excelsis Tenebrae - with Pat Posse (vocals, guitars)
If you're familiar with Pat Posse, the former guitarist of Thrash or Die from 2011 to 2013, and also the frontman, vocalist and...
From Kaos - with Brice Leclercq (bass)
As a longtime fan of Dissection, still sharing the same level of love I have for that band after so many years, it was a real...
Yoth Iria - with Jim Mutilator (bass)
Yoth Iria's new album "Blazing Inferno" has received a great reception so far, also when you check the reviews for it on our...