Violentor - Interview

Italy's filthiest and primitive thrash/speed metal band Violentor returns this year with another bestial banger of an album titled "Burn in Metal", bringing back even more blood, fire and death to the masses. It's a rare occurrence to see a band so full of hate and destruction that really spits in the face of pretentious behavior in the metal scene, and none manage to be more direct than the band's vocalist and guitarist Alessio "Dog" Medici. He has become somewhat of a regular guest in my hometown of Novi Sad, especially because he frequently drove various underground metal bands on tours from all over the world, thanks to his Etrurian Legion Promotions booking and travelling agency which takes charge of these things. Not long ago, I've decided to reach out to Alessio regarding Violentor's most recent output that is "Burn in Metal", where we also discussed subjects such as including the guest vocals of Bombarder's vocalist Nešo Kovačević, the story behind the founding of Etrurian Legion Promotions, as well as Violentor's legacy in metal. I hope you'll stay along for the ride and enjoy this interview.


Hi Alessio, how are you doing bro?

Hi Vladimir, everything is okay, thanks to you and MetalBite for the interview.

Violentor is releasing their sixth full-length album Burn In Metal, and as the tradition goes, it's yet another banger album with a serious attitude. It's crazy to think that your previous album Manifesto di odio is two years old now, and I think we've actually met around the time the album was released. Did Violentor start working on this new album shortly after the previous one?

Not really because I don't have much time to dedicate to Violentor. I had a couple of weeks stop in March and I did write and record the new album. Couple of songs were already written, just re-recorded again and added to the setlist.

Weirdly enough, I have a feeling like this album is more violent and extreme than the previous one, was that the approach you were going with?

Well, it was worse if you expected us to play ballad love songs....

The release date of Burn In Metal is December 13th, and ironically, it's on Friday, so we have something great to look forward to for that next Friday the 13th. Was it intentionally set to be released on Friday 13th?

No intentional heheh...we are not posers in black metal bands looking for the numbers to make things. We will play at the Eindhoven Metal meeting and will be at the release party.

Let's talk about the sixth track "Cicci". It's very romantic and comedic at the same time, what is the story behind the making of that song?

It's a parody song of the monster of Florence called hilariously Cicci. I rearranged and re-interpret, because the lyrics are from an unknown writer. And you are wrong: it is not a romantic song because it has very dirty lyrics, joking about collecting the woman victims' parts in formalin or collecting hairy pubes for a tupè...... Italian Serial killer n° 35.

The next song I wanna talk about is the final track "Night of the Werewolves", because it features the guest appearance of Nešo from Bombarder and I was not disappointed when I heard him shouting "RAZVALJUJ!" because that's what I expected to happen. What was it like working with him for the song?

We are good friends with Milan from Grom Records Serbia that introduced us to Nešo, more than 10 years ago when we played in Beograd with Hobbs Angel of Death. We are friends and support each other. Why did I make it with Nešo? "Night of the Werewolves" is an anti-pedophile song (werewolves....sister listen, run fast) anti-politic, cause the politicians are criminal assassins and deserve to Die and Nešo thinks the same like me so why I told him to guest it. The song is super punk assault!

A band such as Violentor in my opinion is very true in the sense that you guys provide a 100% oldschool approach that comes from within yourselves, without relying to incorporate any fancy innovations or trying to appeal to a wider audience, instead you always try to take it every step further and go even heavier album after album. Considering that your music is so bestial, extreme and heavy, have you ever stopped for a moment and thought "Okay, how am I gonna go even further than this"? Did it ever pose a challenge to you?

Violentor is an extreme metal band. I started an extreme metal band and I called it Violentor. It's only coherence, like Motorhead, Venom, Overkill....they never changed their style. Today all is fucked up. Metal scene is full of false. If we start face painting, kill us please!

This is your second album in the row that features artwork by ROK of Sadistik Exekution, alongside the updated band logo, what was it like having him on board for the second time?

Rok the king of the Skulks! It's great to work with him, great artwork, great charisma. And evil on top!

In the press release, it is cited that this album celebrates "20 Years in Metal", so how does it feel to have such an everlasting strength and legacy holding up for 2 decades now?

No, it isn't. I am really satisfied with it because I always follow what I believe. Following the dreams is the most important thing in life. Violentor was formed as a live band, so we must play live as much as we can.

You are also the owner of "Etrurian Legion Promotions", in charge of management, promotion, booking, touring, van rent and such. What is the exact story behind starting Etrurian Legion Promotions?

No one wanted to pick up Violentor live, so I started to organize myself.  No one wanted to pick up other underground bands on tour and I started to organize for the others too. Now this is my main job. 

Were there any exceptional bands you had the most pleasure working with?

There are too many of them. I cannot name a few, there are a lot on the list. But if you want to know, I can tell you the shittiest one I worked with ahahah. Joking of course…

Thank you so much for taking the time man! Best of luck to you and I hope we'll see Violentor perform in Novi Sad again in the near future. Any final words?

Thank you, man! See you in Serbia.


Entered: 12/6/2024 9:49:54 AM

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