
Promo Material Address

1823 East Orangeside Road
Palm Harbor, FL 34683

Main Address

56 Stoney Dr.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

About Us was born in January of 2001 with the sole intention of creating one of the biggest and most thorough database of heavy metal bands on the web. We cover every type of real metal: classic, death, black, power, progressive, doom, stoner, thrash, melodic-death, hardcore, experimental, etc. If it's a genuine form of this genre, you'll find it within these hallowed pages.

In March of 2004, also became the home of MetalBite Magazine. It featured more desired content than any other music magazine and was presented in full-color gloss on every page with the highest quality paper stock and the most professional layout work you've ever seen in a metal magazine.

MetalBite is created for the fans of heavy metal music, to provide them with the music scene's insider information through interviews, reviews, editorials, articles and more. Coupled with the largest online searchable heavy metal music database, MetalBite aims to be the ultimate resource for every metal fan. MetalBite is not only a conduit of accessibility, but also serves as a hotbed of entertaining and intelligent writing that tries hard to soar above the mundane and rudimentary.

MetalBite is always looking for dedicated people that can contribute to our growth. If you think you can write reviews (to a standard that is both professional and dedicated), conduct interviews, or chip in to our site in any shape or form, please feel free to contact us and someone will get back to you with any and all necessities required to join this winning, world-renowned team.

Stay heavy!

...And for those that like statistics, here are some current database numbers:

  • Artists :: 15350
  • Albums :: 46115
  • Tracks :: 383813
  • Labels :: 5486
  • Media :: 12306
  • Reviews :: 7285
  • Interviews :: 570