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Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού

Greece Country of Origin: Greece

Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: March 1st, 2013
Genre: Black, Gothic

Review by Kostas on August 20, 2023.

2013 saw the release of the eleventh full-lenghth album of Rotting Christ, Κατά Τον Δαίμονα Eαυτού. An album which granted them some significant fame and access to a wider audience. Its maim characteristics are the dark occult atmosphere and the excellent rifts and solos. This is in brief a great record, and in my humble opinion, the ansolute best release of the band.

After so many live shows, releases and experiences, Rotting Christ seem to have naturally taken their musical compositions to the next level, with everything sounding where and as it should, also due to the great work done with mixing and mastering. The guitar riffs are the best these Greeks have ever written and there is intelligence and innovation in every bass line. Of course, the folk elements are once again present and clever, making the listener travel to faraway lamds and times of old. This lean towards the folk has been somewhat common for Rotting Christ in the past. However, only now do they seem to have become completely confortable and professional with it. In addition, drumming is powerful and energetic, making all tracks sound brutal and aggressive, especially 'In Yumen - Xibalba'. The only exception might be the final song, 'ΧΞΣ', which unfortunately sounds boring and can only be seen as an atmospheric outro to this awesome album.

Talking about atmosphere, it is amazing how this album combines all these evil auras with epic riffs which lead to outstanding solos (like the one in the title track). Imagine how a LotR theme would sound if Behemoth composed it. Now blend in traditional music influences and many different languages and there it is: Κατά Τον Δαίμονα Εαυτού. From satan worshippings in Latin to ancient Sumerian myths and from John's Apocalypse to Voodoos, there is something from every part of the world for every metalhead of the world. It's like the mystical metal encyclopedia we all always wanted. And it's so enjoyable, you'll need to read it multiple times.

Κατά Τον Δαίμονα Εαυτού is definitely a great album. One of those records which first come to mind when you talk about a big band like Rotting Christ and one which every follower of the Hellenic Black Metal scene should listen to and maybe purchase. There is little to minor or no downsides besides some recycling and repetitions in several riffs. And still, these riffs are so catchy, it might not even bother you at all. The peak of Rotting Christ's discography and a timeless extreme metal gem.

Rating: 9 out of 10
