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1. Satan Spawn The Caco-Daemon
2. Dead But Dreaming
3. Repent To Die
4. Trifixion
5. Behead The Prophet (No Lord Shall Live)
6. Holy Deception
7. In Hell I Burn
8. Revocate The Agitator

Review by Jeger on August 4, 2024.

Glen Benton is a silly man whom everyone has learned over the years to not take seriously. His tongue-in-cheek statements as to being possessed by a demon, that he would commit suicide at the age of 33 to mirror a life opposite of Christ, only to rebut years later; calling his own statement “asinine” and also the old slaughtering rodents just for fun schtick. His early interviews? Gold like Springer… Glen has come under fire continuously from retarded religious groups, Deicide has been banned from venues, protested, and vehemently criticized for their brand of blasphemous (wouldn’t call it Satanic) death metal since the very beginning. People were already fucked up over the gore stuff, now this whole new level of unholy scourge to endure? Lock up your kids! Those were the fucking days… 

The whole beef between the Norwegian black metal scene and Deicide? Some mythical stuff from back in the day. After Glen and his crew and Euronymous (Mayhem) and members of the Norwegian Inner Circle gathered and discussed who the fuck knows, it was stated by Glen that Euronymous who had so unabashedly expressed his distaste for Deicide’s apparent less-than-genuine approach to creating supposed Satanic death metal, was ironically praising Deicide and basically kissing his ass the whole time. Bård “Faust” (Emperor) would later counter Glen’s statement; claiming that there was more of a level of mutual respect between the two than what Benton would prove to be comfortable in admitting. A meeting of two legends? More like two dorks: one sociopathic scumbag and one overgrown irreligious Neanderthal who happened to have recorded an LP in 1992’s Legion that could’ve realistically done the talking for Deicide. Mayhem couldn’t then and still couldn’t for their own lives today play anything like how Deicide played on their ‘92 magnum opus. Possession doesn’t seem so irrational when you hear this thing… 

Hadn’t been done before… Not even “Altars Of Madness” (Morbid Angel) had been of this caliber of ferocity. Nothing technical to it, just unbridled speed and serpentine-like intricacies in riffing, myriads of extremity-laced percussive techniques, and just the impossibly air-tight symphony between guitar and rhythm section; resulting in such a dense jackhammer-like tone to everything. Like repeated and perfectly segmented tack hammer blows to the forehead; skull splintering beats and sharp, chopping progressions in bestial album cuts: 'Satan Spawn, The Caco Daemon' and 'Trifixion' that frappe the senses with speed and precision - a level of compositional prowess and instrumental adeptness to never be again reached by the band. “In the fucking zone” like Billy Hoyle in White Men Can’t Jump (film 1992); throwing up no bricks and taking no Christian prisoners were Deicide. To the fucking hounds with their defiled corpses as we bang our fucking heads to the ferocious 'Behead The Prophet - No Lord Shall Live' - an under-sung deep cut that features the band in equal states of running you through paradiddles at 5000 miles per hour and crunching your cajones with heavy-as-fuck chugs. 

Simply the greatest to have ever done it, the brilliant Scott Burns at Morrisound, the engineer behind the greatest sounding fucking death metal albums ever created, and the sonic tactician behind this Opus Diaboli. How can it sound so impossibly heavy yet so beautifully layered - textured like satin but concussive as a hammer striking an anvil with robotic speed and rhythm. And from which of their testicles did they squeeze such undeniable swagger? The animosity of youth in twine with a healthy and genuine hatred for Christ, a passion for music, and a penchant for tomfoolery… Fucking Deicide, man; an American institution like the Hemi or the Cheesesteak and every bit as beloved. 

To have grown so much as musicians yet to have released such an overly refined LP in the brand new Banished By Sin - the paradox between the inglorious reality of growing old and the diablerie of youth as put so recklessly on display during this half hour’s worth of violent diabolism, in contrast to the new album is something that is of no great mystery. We all get to the point as artists where maturation becomes inevitable and we just want to create the finest product possible. That growth is something that cannot be reversed back into the no-fucks-to-give destruction of caveman-savage creations like Legion… Ears to the underground for that action.

Rating: 9 out of 10


Review by Death8699 on December 1, 2018.

Probably the best Deicide release ever. Legion is captivating with it's energy, with it's evil, with Glen Benton's vocal outbursts, with it's technicality in songwriting and creativity. This is one album that you can never get sick of no matter how many times that you play it. It doesn't fall short on any aspect. The Hoffman brothers shine on the rhythm/lead guitars and Steve is putting forth a solid spot behind the drum set. All musicians put forth their best effort and this album is without errors from any aspects. Simply amazing.

The music is pure death metal oriented with anti-Christian lyrics that fit along with the guitars. Both guitarists constructed some riffs that were truly unbelievably awesome on every aspect. The rhythms are heavy palm muted chords and notes that are hyper fast and technical. They're in standard guitar tuning on this one and it fit perfectly with the music. All songs deserve praise because they're so amazing, technical and demonic. Everything from a death metal oriented release that can't possibly go wrong, Legion tops it all. Some of my favorite tracks are "Trifixion" "Holy Deception" and "Revocate The Agitator". Glen spews forth another demonic effort like their debut, though their debut he sounded possessed. I'd say that the guitars are the best feature to this release. No Deicide album can replicate such songs with originality and precision. They all fit together perfectly and the leads are high quality and fast as all hell. After this album, the band got a bit lazy from a songwriting standpoint. Glen's lyrics feature one of the most Satanic ones that are pretty much like their debut. Better songwriting then their debut though. Legion has everything that is needed from a death metal band. It's mixing, production and sound quality are top notch. You can hear all of the instruments and vocals didn't drown out the music. They pretty much augmented it. There were some backup screams and spoken words on "Trifixion". But for the most part, Glen's vocals are still low, demonic and scream oriented. He's a true lunatic of God's creation.

If you're looking for the proper death metal to pick up that's a sheer classic, Legion is it. Nothing falls short here. No laziness in the songwriting. The musicians put forth their best, most technical and killing music ever heard. If you don't have this release, you're definitely missing out because Legion is Deicide at it's best and most skilled. High quality, fast, furious and evil. This album captures it all. Nothing in Deicide's discography can top this one, not even their craziest debut release. Pick it up ASAP if you haven't already. Get ready for some amazingly Satanic death metal!

Rating: 10 out of 10
