Deathhammer - Official Website

When The Hammer Strikes... The Exterminator Arrives!!!
Deathhammer / Körgull The Exterminator

Norway Country of Origin: Norway

When The Hammer Strikes... The Exterminator Arrives!!!
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Type: Split
Release Date: 2009
Label: Catapult
Genre: Black, Speed, Thrash
1. Cut Hunter Theory
1. Intro - Les Ménestrels
2. Source De Plour, Rivière De Tristece
3. 1638
4. Vengeance Sépulcrale
5. Le Damné
6. Déliquescence
7. Anti
8. En Autarcie
9. Politique Fosse Septique
10. Séditio Ionis Sequania
11. Outro - Décrépitude Totale
1. Blasphemy
2. Deathbangerz
1. Into The Fangs Of Lunacy
1. The C-Word
2. Fingerprints Of Conspiracy
3. A Glacial Smile
4. Mechanical Dreams
5. The Hypothetical Terrorist
6. From Behind Shattered Glass
7. Citadels Of Selfdom
8. Singular Facet
9. The Necessary Illusion
10. Very Little Difference
11. I Was Blind But Now I See
12. Describe The Sky For Me
13. Problem-Reaction-Solution
14. Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis
15. Farewell The Lonely Skeptic

Review by Carl on December 28, 2023.

The split EP, a proud staple of underground bands all over the world. You get two (or sometimes more) bands for the same price. If they're both good, you've hit the jackpot, if one of 'em sucks, there's still one side to cherish, and if they both suck ass, ... I guess that's just too bad then.

Side A comes flying out of the gates with Deathhammer from Norway, a band that I also own a full length by, and apart from that I can't actually tell you all that much about 'em, really. I don't know how that came to be, and judging from their contribution here, I've been missing out, because this fucking rips!! Their two cuts (one short, the other a bit longer) delivered here charge at you with merciless power, showcasing a speedy concoction of rough croaking and shrieking vocals, ferocious speed/thrash guitar riffing and simple yet highly effective percussion. Reminding me of a gruff rendition of "Show No Mercy" era Slayer, early Destruction or Venom that had too much coffee, these tracks speed by with a barely controlled punk-fueled energy and reckless abandon. Dressed up in a suitable unrefined yet balanced soundmix, guitar, vocals and drums are at each other's throats constantly, giving the listener barely any room to breathe. Both "Deathbangerz" and "Blasphemy" are brimming with energy, and the simple but hook-filled choruses have you shouting along in no time. It's full-on headbanging galore 80's style, and this hits the mark with full force.

Up next comes Körgull The Exterminator, the reason for me obtaining this 7". Like Deathhammer, they are also operating in the old school black/thrash realms of metal, taking their cues from bands like Sodom, Black Shepherd, Vulcano, Razor and (of course) old Voivod, but delivered with a rougher punk edge in the vein of Discharge, Charged G.B.H. and Attak. Opener "The Flag of Hate Shall Rise Again" comes bulldozing out of the gate, delivering a blow of blackened thrash, where Lilith's acidic croaked vocals are underpinned by the Motörhead meets early Kreator riffing and no-nonsense battering percussion, creating a punk-fueled blast of rough 'n' gruff metal, coming at your face like an iron fist. The second offering, "The Never Ending Forest", speeds things up a notch, adding a vicious burst of Sarcofago and Vulcano style velocity to the metalpunk on steroids the band has on offer. Once again immersed in a fitting unrefined underground production, this side of the EP continues the headbanging, bone-shattering atmosphere that started on the A-side with Deathhammer.

This is a great split EP, with both bands delivering a more than solid blast of aggression and belligerence throughout. This is the kind of old school and utterly remorseless type of savage and filth-ridden metal that you can pull me out of bed for in the middle of the night. Energetic and powerful, absolutely merciless and certainly devoid of any good manners, this one comes highly recommended!

Rating: 9 out of 10


Review by Carl on December 28, 2023.

The split EP, a proud staple of underground bands all over the world. You get two (or sometimes more) bands for the same price. If they're both good, you've hit the jackpot, if one of 'em sucks, there's still one side to cherish, and if they both suck ass, ... I guess that's just too bad then.

Side A comes flying out of the gates with Deathhammer from Norway, a band that I also own a full length by, and apart from that I can't actually tell you all that much about 'em, really. I don't know how that came to be, and judging from their contribution here, I've been missing out, because this fucking rips!! Their two cuts (one short, the other a bit longer) delivered here charge at you with merciless power, showcasing a speedy concoction of rough croaking and shrieking vocals, ferocious speed/thrash guitar riffing and simple yet highly effective percussion. Reminding me of a gruff rendition of "Show No Mercy" era Slayer, early Destruction or Venom that had too much coffee, these tracks speed by with a barely controlled punk-fueled energy and reckless abandon. Dressed up in a suitable unrefined yet balanced soundmix, guitar, vocals and drums are at each other's throats constantly, giving the listener barely any room to breathe. Both "Deathbangerz" and "Blasphemy" are brimming with energy, and the simple but hook-filled choruses have you shouting along in no time. It's full-on headbanging galore 80's style, and this hits the mark with full force.

Up next comes Körgull The Exterminator, the reason for me obtaining this 7". Like Deathhammer, they are also operating in the old school black/thrash realms of metal, taking their cues from bands like Sodom, Black Shepherd, Vulcano, Razor and (of course) old Voivod, but delivered with a rougher punk edge in the vein of Discharge, Charged G.B.H. and Attak. Opener "The Flag of Hate Shall Rise Again" comes bulldozing out of the gate, delivering a blow of blackened thrash, where Lilith's acidic croaked vocals are underpinned by the Motörhead meets early Kreator riffing and no-nonsense battering percussion, creating a punk-fueled blast of rough 'n' gruff metal, coming at your face like an iron fist. The second offering, "The Never Ending Forest", speeds things up a notch, adding a vicious burst of Sarcofago and Vulcano style velocity to the metalpunk on steroids the band has on offer. Once again immersed in a fitting unrefined underground production, this side of the EP continues the headbanging, bone-shattering atmosphere that started on the A-side with Deathhammer.

This is a great split EP, with both bands delivering a more than solid blast of aggression and belligerence throughout. This is the kind of old school and utterly remorseless type of savage and filth-ridden metal that you can pull me out of bed for in the middle of the night. Energetic and powerful, absolutely merciless and certainly devoid of any good manners, this one comes highly recommended!

Rating: 9 out of 10


Review by Carl on December 28, 2023.

The split EP, a proud staple of underground bands all over the world. You get two (or sometimes more) bands for the same price. If they're both good, you've hit the jackpot, if one of 'em sucks, there's still one side to cherish, and if they both suck ass, ... I guess that's just too bad then.

Side A comes flying out of the gates with Deathhammer from Norway, a band that I also own a full length by, and apart from that I can't actually tell you all that much about 'em, really. I don't know how that came to be, and judging from their contribution here, I've been missing out, because this fucking rips!! Their two cuts (one short, the other a bit longer) delivered here charge at you with merciless power, showcasing a speedy concoction of rough croaking and shrieking vocals, ferocious speed/thrash guitar riffing and simple yet highly effective percussion. Reminding me of a gruff rendition of "Show No Mercy" era Slayer, early Destruction or Venom that had too much coffee, these tracks speed by with a barely controlled punk-fueled energy and reckless abandon. Dressed up in a suitable unrefined yet balanced soundmix, guitar, vocals and drums are at each other's throats constantly, giving the listener barely any room to breathe. Both "Deathbangerz" and "Blasphemy" are brimming with energy, and the simple but hook-filled choruses have you shouting along in no time. It's full-on headbanging galore 80's style, and this hits the mark with full force.

Up next comes Körgull The Exterminator, the reason for me obtaining this 7". Like Deathhammer, they are also operating in the old school black/thrash realms of metal, taking their cues from bands like Sodom, Black Shepherd, Vulcano, Razor and (of course) old Voivod, but delivered with a rougher punk edge in the vein of Discharge, Charged G.B.H. and Attak. Opener "The Flag of Hate Shall Rise Again" comes bulldozing out of the gate, delivering a blow of blackened thrash, where Lilith's acidic croaked vocals are underpinned by the Motörhead meets early Kreator riffing and no-nonsense battering percussion, creating a punk-fueled blast of rough 'n' gruff metal, coming at your face like an iron fist. The second offering, "The Never Ending Forest", speeds things up a notch, adding a vicious burst of Sarcofago and Vulcano style velocity to the metalpunk on steroids the band has on offer. Once again immersed in a fitting unrefined underground production, this side of the EP continues the headbanging, bone-shattering atmosphere that started on the A-side with Deathhammer.

This is a great split EP, with both bands delivering a more than solid blast of aggression and belligerence throughout. This is the kind of old school and utterly remorseless type of savage and filth-ridden metal that you can pull me out of bed for in the middle of the night. Energetic and powerful, absolutely merciless and certainly devoid of any good manners, this one comes highly recommended!

Rating: 9 out of 10
