Immemorial - Official Website


Poland Country of Origin: Poland

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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: 2001
Genre: Blackened Death
1. Forsaken In Nonentity
2. A Monologue
3. Wander Through Life
4. Demons Of Fate
5. Under Delusion
6. Born To Redeem
7. A Nightmare
8. Seized With Darkness
9. A Nightmare (Video Track)

Review by Krys on June 8, 2002.

Are the guys starting to run short on testosterone or are we witnesses of a new trend? Woman in death metal - this might be the topic for an interesting article. Immemorial joins the ever-growing list of metal bands where females, in this case Marta Meger, are the uncharacteristic protagonists behind the growls and any other ‘typically’ none feminists sounds.

While we are on the topic of trends, Immemorial also joins an impressive list of quality metal acts hailing from the small Eastern European country of Poland. After so many years of domination by Vader it seems like the time has come for another young artist to invade the rest of the world. With already established names like Behemoth, Decapitated, Lux Occulta and Lost Soul, Immemorial are on their way to make a name outside Poland.

Mixing death metal with black and adding subtle melodic lines; Immemorial create a very interesting cocktail of death metal. Immemorial flawlessly go from a fierce, disharmonic wall of sound and blast beats to melodic parts with well-bred guitar hooks without loosing the intense atmosphere. Although this technically good quintet surprises the listener with maturity and already impressive song writing abilities, “Monologue” might seem a little monotonous due to the single-barreled vocal style used by Marta. Nothing against this woman who growls like a madman, but more articulated singing experiments would put Immemorial one level higher and add even more diversity and excitement to an already gratifying composition.

Much like on Arch Enemy’s “Wages of Sin” (Angela Gossow), for all non-believers that those growls actually come from a woman; the video of ‘A Nightmare’ was added as a bonus track. Considering “Monologue” is the band’s debut it is very well produced and edited.

Bottom Line: Definitely band to keep an eye on. There’s no doubt in my mind that we are witnesses of a birth of what might be a something very special.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 7
Atmosphere: 7
Production: 8
Originality: 8
Overall: 7

Rating: 7.4 out of 10
