Kontinuum - Official Website

Earth Blood Magic

Iceland Country of Origin: Iceland

Earth Blood Magic
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: August 13th, 2012
Genre: Ambient, Progressive
1. Endgame
2. Steinrunninn Skógur
4. Strange Air
5. Lightbearer
6. City
7. Lýs Milda Ljós
8. Red
9. Í Gljúfradal

Review by Adam M on July 29, 2015.

Earth Blood Magic resonates with avant-garde possibilities. The sound Kontinuum has is unique in that it has a futuristic riffing type. The tracks have a load of melody to carry them through even the blandest portions. I must say that the combination of folk with elements that sound mechanical and futuristic is a breath of fresh air for progressive music.

There are plenty of highlights to be found on Earth Blood Magic, but those that resonate with me most strongly are Steinrunnin Skogur and Lightbearer. Both of these tracks sound machine-like at times and contain portions that are catchy and resonate strongly with the listener. The closest band in sound to Kontinuum is probably Solstafir and this is a strong compliment considering how much of a high quality that band’s output has been recently. Like Solstafir, this band knows when to tone down the music for a lighter portion that adds atmosphere at the proper juncture. This can be heard on the very final track on the album and the way it closes the proceedings in a subtle fashion. Kontinuum sounds like something coming from the future more than Solstafir does, regardless. That aspect alone is closer to the band Alchemist and their sound. All three of these outfits share a post element to their sound, however.

The entire package here is more than worthwhile. Kontinuum is unafraid to showcase avant-garde capabilities and these interesting moments breathe life into the work as a whole. The colourful moments that occupy each song keep the listener coming back for more. At the other end of the spectrum, there are enough lighter portions to keep one interested. Although Earth Blood Magic doesn’t quite reach the heights of Solstafir’s latest opus, Otta, it is a solid entry to the avant-garde metal genre and worthy of your attention.

Rating: 8 out of 10
