Queensrÿche - Official Website

Condition Human

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Condition Human
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: October 2nd, 2015
Genre: Heavy, Progressive
4. Toxic Remedy
5. Selfish Lives
6. Eye9
7. Bulletproof
8. Hourglass
9. Just Us
10. All There Was
11. The Aftermath
12. Condition Hüman

Review by Adam M on November 3, 2015.

Queensryche are back again with their new vocalist Todd De La Torre. This collection of songs is an impressive one that is sure to make Queensryche lovers blush.

That rollicking progressive metal flavor is brought back and it sounds much like the classic Empire disc. This is a good focal point for the album because it does contain progressive aspects, but also some commercial tendencies. The songs are tuneful and melodic to the greatest extent which harkens back to the style of the classic albums. It certainly is great to have Queensryche back to top form again. They have the ability to entrance with their old school ways and this is highly the case on Condition Human. Addictive verses and catchy choruses abound. There is a very seamless feel to the album with songs blending together in fine fashion. Now, this isn’t the same as Operation: Mindcrime, but there is a good amount of gelling between the tracks. There are many highlights on the album, which include most prominently Just Us. This song is a delightful ballad that holds up perfectly to the rest of the tracks. There’s a good mix of progressive and subtle moments throughout the course of this work and it shows strongly. The band is able to convey its mood despite the volume level, however.

It becomes clear that this is one of the better releases by the band and though it doesn’t beat their absolute classics, it’s an album that is not to be stifled at. Having this progressive act is important seeing as some of the other acts from this genre have also been less consistent. But it’s nice to know that Queensryche has finally found its footing and crafted an album of excellent new material.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10
