Tengger Cavalry - Official Website

Cavalry Folk

China Country of Origin: China

1. Disc 1 - 万马奔腾 / Galloping Steeds
2. 鬼骑 / Sunesu Cavalry
3. 金帐领主 / Golden Horde
4. 铁骑谣 / Cavalry Folk
5. 天地 萨满 / Universe-Shaman
6. 预言 / Prophecy
7. 头狼 / Leader Wolf
8. 血刃 / Blade Of Blood
9. 铁骑谣-传奇 / Cavalry Folk - The Legend
10. 苍穹下 / Under The Welkin
11. 游牧者的骄傲 / The Pride Of The Nomads (Ego Fall Cover)
12. Nemesis (Arch Enemy Cover)
13. Disc 2 - 明咒 / Mantra
14. 白驹 / White Pony
15. 戈壁古道 / Ancient Gobi Road
16. 头狼 / Leader Wolf
17. 孤风 / Wind Of Solitude
18. 永恒 / Eternity
19. 摩罗 / Mara
20. 流逝 / Life, Rattles On (Hell Savior Cover)
21. 风拂碧原 / In Wind The Virid Land
22. 明咒 / Mantra
23. 托布秀尔 / Tobshur