Megadeth - Official Website

So Far, So Good… So What!

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So Far, So Good… So What!
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: 1988
Label: Capitol Records
Genre: Classic, Heavy, Thrash
1. Into The Lungs Of Hell
2. Set The World Afire
3. Anarchy In The U.K.
4. Mary Jane
5. 502
6. In My Darkest Hour
7. Liar
8. Hook In Mouth

Review by Luka on April 24, 2002.

'Into the Lungs of Hell': the instrumental; the first metal song I heard in my life, opens with sharp guitars in a calm intro, and ever-so-slightly speeds up into mean, shredding rhythm backed by thundering double bass drumming. The fast guitars clash together, building up tension until the lead guitar breaks it with a glorious solo section that still gives me goosebumps to this day. Right after that song was done, the brilliant 'Set the World Afire' followed and it was even better! Suffice to say, I was rabid for metal...

Now this was not a popular and well-liked Megadeth album. For numerous reasons that I can understand but cannot relate with, the majority of Megadeth fans saw this as a faltering step after the famous “Peace Sells...”. The production is a little barren but it fits the mood of many songs so perfectly that a kind of strange atmosphere is created by the guitars. Mustaine’s vocal skill has again improved, as it does with each release, but he’s still a weak singer. His attitude and intelligent, often personal lyrics always add so much more meaning to the songs, a lesson 99% of today’s bands ought to learn.

I like this album better than “Peace Sells...”, and I am not insane for having just said that. The songs on this album are just amazing! 'Set the World Afire' is my favorite Megadeth song ever! 'Mary Jane' is slow and mysterious, '502', fast and carefree: typical driving music, 'In My Darkest Hour', sad and tragic, yet boiling with anger underneath, 'Liar', one of the most exciting Megadeth songs ever. The catchy, cynical lyrics are great fun to sing along to! 'Hook in Mouth', a definite favorite: groove oriented and catchy as hell... How can anyone say this album is bad? The only complaint I can think of is that that it’s too damn short!

Bottom Line: One of Megadeth’s strongest! Excellent and extremely underrated. This is the album that got me into metal and I treasure it close to my heart.

Originality: 8.5
Musicianship: 9.5
Atmosphere: 9
Production: 8.5
Overall: 10

Rating: 9.1 out of 10
