Idle Hands - Official Website


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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: May 10th, 2019
Label: Eisenwald
Genre: Gothic, Heavy
1. Nightfall
2. Jackie
3. Cosmic Overdrive
4. Don't Waste Your Time
6. Blade And The Will
7. Dragon, Why Do You Cry
8. Double Negative
9. It'll Be Over Before You Know It
10. A Single Solemn Rose
11. Mana

Review by Adam M on June 5, 2019.

Idle Hands have a gothic flavour to their music.  There is an undeniable influence by bands like Depeche Mode and others on this album.  Still it is heavy enough to have a review on a metal site.  The riffs are emotive and expressive giving a good impression on the listener.  The music here is similar to the likes of In Solitude, Type O Negative and Tribulation, but perhaps a little less heavy than any of those bands.  There is still a huge presence of the guitar riff that makes its presence and bolsters these songs nicely. 

The smooth gothic flavour of the band leaves a really nice taste to the music at hand.  These songs are certainly simple enough and anthemic, but this makes them even more appealing.  The memorability is high and songs like Jackie will remain in your head for ages to come.  Though the music isn’t the heaviest in the world it more than makes up for this fact with a moodiness that carries right through the recording.  These are indeed some of the most emotive songs I’ve heard this year and make this one of the albums to look out for from this year’s crop.  The music could be improved with slightly more progressiveness, but the songs are involved enough regardless.  It’s hard to find fault in such a catchy and wonderful recording. 

Alas, I think the band lives up to their influences and crafts their own niche regardless.  The band certainly has their own sound and it is one that is wonderful to behold.  Fans of gothic  music will find a lot to like here and this includes both those of metal and rock.  Mana does a nice job taking influences from the past and incorporating them into a modern sound for all to hear. 

Rating: 7.7 out of 10
