Pest - Official Website


Sweden Country of Origin: Sweden

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Type: EP
Release Date: 1993
Label: Relativity Records
Genre: Black
1. Lífit Es Dauðafærð
1. Tour Intro Tape [83/84] / Welcome to Hell [Remix]
2. Dead on Arrival
3. Snots Shit [Unreleased Demo]
4. Black Metal [Remix]
5. Hounds of Hell
6. At War With Satan [T.V. Adverts]
7. At War With Satan [Full Re-Edited Version]
8. Bitch Witch
9. Intro Tapes [Tours 85/86]
10. Possessed [Remix]
11. Sadist [Mistress Of The Whip]
12. Manitou [Abbey Road Un-Cut Mix]
13. Angel Dust
14. Raise The Dead
15. Red Light Fever
16. Venom Station