Mutilate - Official Website


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2. Quartered
3. No Faith
4. Eyes Of A Child
5. Falling Into Darkness
6. Black Fate
7. Decapitator
8. Skeletal Haunting
9. Contagium

Review by Carl on September 18, 2023.

One from the "awesome cover art" file. Just look at that! This cover takes us to the 17th century, where the Devil himself is taking down the belfry of the city of Bruges, while witches are being burned. That is an image so awesome, I just had to have that on my shelf, regardless of what the music would sound like. I am happy to be able to tell you that the gamble has paid off. It's been a while since I heard a good piece of malicious black metal like this.

This EP has the same atmosphere emanating from it as Fimbulwinter's "Servants Of Sorcery" or "F.M." by the Norwegian Raven. Hanghedief deal in unpolished black metal by Scandinavian recipe, with influences of the early works of Burzum, Infernum, Dark Funeral, Enthroned and Graveland. This release combines smatterings of keyboard ambience with tremelo picked guitar, screamed vocals and a very natural sounding production, totally devoid of unnecessary frills. This great mixture is bundled in a handful of atmospheric and varied black metal tracks that combines both barbaric speed and atmospheric ambience to great effect. It's a tried and tested formula, but the band handles these components in such a way that they create something totally their own. At times, there's a folk-y feel to the guitar work that references the true black metal years of Graveland and Infernum, and in combination with the well constructed compositions, Hanghedief manages to establish some memorable moments, even becoming catchy, yet without losing the vicious edge that music like this most certainly needs. Playing is excellent throughout, and this is aided in great part by the earthy and natural production. To the more pretentious ear, this sound may come across as unsophisticated, perhaps even grating, but for those more familiar with the sound and aesthetics of second wave black metal, this sounds nigh on perfect, capturing the spirit of 90's underground black metal perfectly. To close off this excellent EP, we get a great cover of the Ancient Rites (whose early work is felt in Hanghedief's music as well) classic 'Longing For The Ancient Kingdom II', my favorite track of that band right after 'Assyrian Empire'. Hanghedief delivers a bangin' rendition of the song, and even manages to insert a few touches of themselves into it, to great effect. This is the way to close out an already awesome release, if you ask me.

Overduyvelsche Boosheid is an excellent offering of excellent black metal that combines both seething aggression with awesome atmospherics, and knows how to mold this mixture into a set of well-crafted songs, exuding the spirit of the underground greats of 90's black metal. It's not only aimed at the nostalgic old farts (like me) out there, because this EP holds its ground in this day and age just as easily. This is powerful stuff, packaged in gorgeous artwork, with an impressive and certainly interesting historical concept embedded within. This is recommended stuff, for sure.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10


Review by Alex on June 8, 2019.

I almost skipped over this due to receiving so much physical media thus being forced to prioritize those higher than digital and wish I had gotten to it earlier, but I’m glad it did not get lost in the piles of intangible music.  Mutilate is comprised of high skilled musicians, it’s evident with every note played. Back to front Contagium is a complete record of sound compositions on an exotic cloudy production that gives the listener impressions suggesting Mutilate recorded this material just where the cover art depicts. Contagium has to be one of the best death metal albums released in 2019. There's been a-lot thus far but Contagium cackles at the feeble efforts of many. Every song is a blast of thrashing death metal fury filled with scourging guitar leads, dynamic drumming and cadaverous vocals. In addition, Mutilate has a sound they can call theirs thanks to the production heard on the record; it brings to mind the mid-80s style of thrash metal records with a low but audible bass and a heavy emphasis on lead guitars. I have heard their 2018 output Tormentium, which I thought was a good debut full- length record but, Contagium is way better, in every way. The production is still raw sounding (something I liked about Tormentium), but the song writing has taken a turn towards improved structuring, transitions and thrashing guitar leads that grab your attention on every entry making Mutilate’s second record a case of pulsing adrenaline and a more serious force within the underground. This is a must have for 2019. 

From the tramping drumming of “Vile and Disgusting”, the ear-gasmic licks and vocal antics of “Quartered”, to impulsive energetic sonic-storms of “Black Faith”, “Falling into Darkness”, “Decapitator” and “Skeletal Haunting”, you rarely find reason to complain unless you're burnt-out or just don’t appreciate this kind of material. I mean it's been done in the past, but to hear it replicated in the modern era to this much effect tells me the genre is in a healthy state (at least where the underground is concerned). Apart from being so deeply rooted in fiery thrash /death metal, Contagium reserves some space for doom metal sections that can be heard on tracks “Eyes of a Child” and “Falling into Darkness” with the latter having some of the stand-out lead guitar work. Even a punk metal aura is created on “Black Fate” which is again another track worth mentioning due to the guitar leads. The licks on Contagium are something-else, with every transition you’re presented with a string of notes or vocal piece that pulls you in every-time. Not excluding the drumming, showing the competency of keeping momentum, but also providing a memorable drum attack that mimics many styles, from doom metal, death metal, thrash metal, punk metal and even “war metal”. 

It's the artwork that caught my attention for Contagium, it holds a mysticism often associated with death metal when it was merely an embryo, and the music supports the picturesque mystique. This isn’t one of those records that only has an eye-catching cover, the music here is as strong and appealing as the artwork. 

Headbang till your nose bleeds.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10
