Terrörhammer - Official Website - Interview

In The Name Of Hell

Serbia Country of Origin: Serbia

Review by Felix on April 30, 2019.

No need to panic, I agree. We do not need any kind of academic discussion whether lyrics like "Death, speed and hell metal... blood, sex, hell and metal, legacy of the angel rebel" make sense. I am also not interested in starting a debate about the artistic value of the ludicrous artwork. But I can promise that every black thrash maniac will enjoy the here offered tracks, regardless of lyrics, artwork and furthermore or less irrelevant details. The Serbian unit plays straight, well flowing metal which does not need 20 listening sessions to be understood. Bands like Omega from Greece or Witchburner from Germany come to my mind as soon as the first regular song sets in.

It's a pity that In the Name of Hell features only three songs of the band. The intro does what a proper intro has to do, it creates an eerie atmosphere and the cover version at the end of the running order blends seamlessly with the further songs. It could be a composition of the Serbians as well. Nevertheless, let's put the focus on the three pieces between the intro and the closer. First of all, they are well produced. They convey a vile feeling, do not lack an adequate portion of filth and avoid signs of flaccidity successfully. The guitars combine sharpness with pressure. They dominate the sound and that's the way it should be. But don't be alarmed, this does not mean that the malicious and slightly deranged vocals fall by the wayside.

The riffs hit the bull's eye. They have an impact without being too primitive. Of course, complexity is not on the agenda - Terrörhammer know that their German umlaut "ö" is mission and burden at the same time. The spirit of Motörhead is not too far away. Lemmy (R.I.P.) raises his vodka-filled glass in heaven (or hell), albeit the Balkans warriors prefer an uglier sound than the last albums of the legendary three-piece of Mr. Kilmister. Be that as it may, I am not able to find great differences between "Riding on a Devil's Storm", "The Powers of Darkness" and "Hell Metal". Okay, small restriction: the last-named number depicts doubtlessly that the approach of Terrörhammer is able to carry their tracks safely over the six-minutes-mark. That's no matter of course in this musical niche, if I am not mistaken.

The musicians are aware of the fact that tempo changes are not forbidden, but they do not see many reasons to integrate them into their songs. Thus, the material is taking its route with more or less constant speed. So, from my side, there is nothing to complain. Terrörhammer do not start a musical revolution in view of their bone-dry approach. Doubtlessly, they are not suspicious to be "the next big thing", but fans of the sub-genre know that other parameters are of higher value. Therefore, I am convinced that many freaks would enjoy further publications of this band. After the split of Omega and in view of the silence of Witchburner (no new output since 2013), we need more bands that play this great, down-to-earth style of metal.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10
