Dictated - Official Website - News Phobos Netherlands Type: Full-Length Release Date: October 25th, 2019 Label: Independent Genre: Death 1. Hypso 2. Thalasso 3. Lysso 4. Taphe 5. Chira 6. Apeiro 7. Eisoptro 8. Glosso 9. Trypo 10. Athaza Gora 11. Atychi MetalBite on YouTube MetalBite on YouTube Please enable JavaScript To view the comments powered by Disqus.
Phobos Netherlands Type: Full-Length Release Date: October 25th, 2019 Label: Independent Genre: Death 1. Hypso 2. Thalasso 3. Lysso 4. Taphe 5. Chira 6. Apeiro 7. Eisoptro 8. Glosso 9. Trypo 10. Athaza Gora 11. Atychi MetalBite on YouTube MetalBite on YouTube Please enable JavaScript To view the comments powered by Disqus.
1. Hypso 2. Thalasso 3. Lysso 4. Taphe 5. Chira 6. Apeiro 7. Eisoptro 8. Glosso 9. Trypo 10. Athaza Gora 11. Atychi