Skyblood - Official Website


Sweden Country of Origin: Sweden

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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: November 22nd, 2019
Genre: Hard Rock, Heavy
1. Don't Walk Away
2. Power Of The Hunter
3. Run Like Hell
4. Filth Hounds Of Hades
5. (He Fell In Love With A) Stormtrooper
6. Red Skull Rock
7. The Snake
8. Who Needs Love Songs?
9. Steppin' On A Landmine
10. Turn Your Head Around
11. Crazy Horses (Osmonds Cover)
12. Some Came Running
13. Hammer On
14. Shellshock
15. That's What Dreams Are Made Of (T.W.D.A.M.O)
16. Biting And Scratching
17. Used Leather
18. Blood, Guts And Beer
19. Filth Bitch Boogie
20. T.A.N.K.
1. Skyblood Manifesto
2. The Voice
4. Wake Up To The Truth
5. Once Invisible
6. One Eye For An Eye
7. Out Of The Hollow
8. For Or Against
9. Le Venimeux