Diabolic - Official Website

Infinity Through Purification

United States Country of Origin: United States

1. From The Astral Plane... Entwined With Infinity
2. Spiritual Transition
3. Satanic Barbarism
4. Internal Mental Cannibalism
5. Procession Of The Soul Grinders
6. Exsanguinated Life
7. Descending Through Portals Of Misery
8. Enter The Maelstrom

Review by JD on May 4, 2012.

I love bands that seem to just lurk on the very fringes of breaking out... you know the type. They never got the chance because of perhaps lack of press, management screw-ups or other situations that keep them in the minor leagues so to speak. One such band that should have been way bigger than they have gotten was Florida based Diabolic.

One basic word describes this band who’s internal troubles and member changes have nearly broken this band into many pieces.... powerful. Fusing some shadings of Thrash and blackened lyrics into Death-esque styled metal, Diabolic walks that fine line between complex melodies and having such mind numbing heavy chaos with pure metallic class. They are the apodeme of metal’s classiest.

Eight nasty, melodic, riotous, heavy as fucking lead and purly amazing gore plastered songs are what Diabolic has offered - to a hungry metallic masses. As heavy as any Carcass song, yet monumental as Dark Angel got, this band’s music slices into your mind and sets up a moshpit of epic per portions. Pick any song that is placed on this disk, and you will see why I am so surprised that this band is not up there with the legendary Death or Death Metal innovators Cannibal Corpse.

It is sad that all of this shit has kept such an amazing band from being a favorite in our scene. I say this without reservation, go out and find the albums and promote them to the max. Diabolic deserve for the world’s attention - and a chance to show just how fucking good they are to everyone. Let them make you a DIABOLIC!!

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 9.5
Atmosphere: 10
Production: 9
Overall: 9.5

Rating: 9.5 out of 10
