Blood Star - Official Website

The Fear

United States Country of Origin: United States

Review by Alex on May 28, 2020.

'Don't give into the fear', take a chance with newly formed Blood Star featuring guitarist Jamison Plamer of Visigoth. If that's not enough for you to overcome your worries about The Fear sucking then listen to some of Visigoth's work and I'm sure your initial thoughts would have changed by now. Classic heavy metal this sort needs a real good vocalist to direct the tunes, and that they have. Madeline Smith sounds phenomenal on this debut 2 track EP, you take her vocal temperature and delivery, combine it with Palmer's riffing and songwriting and you have one of the best new heavy metal leather outfits of 2020.

Featuring only 2 tracks to get your tongues wet for a full-length hopefully sometime soon, Blood Star really shoot for the skies with opening Track 'The Fear' that sprouts massive leading vocals with controlled highs and moderate to mid-ranged lows. Madeline is the next big female underground heavy metal vocalist and having been given only 2 tracks to make her presence known is yet another notable and praiseworthy facet. She sounds remarkable, as though singing is the only thing she had ever known how to do. Then you get the those tingling guitar lines and solos from Palmer to support Madeline as she climbs the heavy metal mountain, what's not to like here?

Then there's the mid-paced, deserted, reflective and pessimistic 'Tortured Earth' that shifts from the empowering posture of 'The Fear' yet still managing to conjure musical puff through the soaring vocals of Madeline and the storming lead and solo of Palmer. Long story short, Blood Star kicks ass and come May 29th when you get the EP on whichever format, you'll quickly understand why.

Rating: 8.7 out of 10
