Onydia - Official Website


Italy Country of Origin: Italy

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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: February 1st, 2019
Genre: Melodic, Progressive
2. Breath
3. Silence
4. The Memory Of My Time
5. My Paradise
6. The Colour Of Nothingness
7. A New Safe Path
8. Dyaphany

Review by Adam M on March 18, 2020.

The Onydia album Reflections features a very progressive flavour atop female vocals for maximum effect.  The arrangements here are very pretty and nicely focus upon the singing as much as possible.  They are also progressive in nature and feature a number of twists and turns.  They have a technical edge to them, but are mainstream enough to be palatable. 

Overall, I found this to be somewhat similar to Within Temptation’s more symphonic outings like The Slient Force.  Yet, the album has as much in common with Dream Theater as it does with Within Temptation.  This nice mixture of the progressive and melodic makes for a very worthwhile venture that has a lot going for it.  Still, the album could be improved if it was simply superior to what is present.  There is a feeling that the band isn’t pushing themselves as much as they could be and this can be seen in the melodic nature of the tunes.  It is simply a little too streamlined to be overly interesting, although the catchiness makes for a very pleasant recording.  This is still very compelling music that hits a lot of the right notes and is constantly engaging towards the listener.  The singing is very pretty and almost rivals the likes of Anneke Van Giersbergen and Sharon den Adel. 

I had a lot of fun with this album even though it is a little bit short and could be more experimental than it is.  The entire effect is very endearing and leads to some great progressive music.  Tracks like “The Memory Of My Time” are engaging and manage to pull the listener in for a very powerful experience.  Though it’s not the greatest album the genre has ever seen, there is enough to like here to recommend this to all fans of progressive music and especially those with a nice taste for female vocals.

Rating: 7.6 out of 10
