Decrepit Cadaver - Official Website

The Beginning Of Depravity

Chile Country of Origin: Chile

1. Intro - Depravity
2. Gruesome Homicide
3. Fleshless Remains
4. Beheaded, Left For Dead
5. La pútrida extracción del útero
6. Amordazado En La Placenta
7. Dentro De La Cámara De Tortura
8. Delight Of Suffering
9. Mentally Deranged
10. The Re-Animator
11. The Slaughter Has Begun

Review by Carl on April 26, 2020.

Because this album was released on Sevared Records I had a preconception of what it would sound like. It was when listening to this that I found out that it sounded way more traditional than I had originally anticipated and I have to say: I'm impressed by what I heard.

Listening to this I am pretty surprised that their brand of brutal death metal isn't akin to that of Dying Fetus or Devourment but is more rooted in US bands from the early to mid-90's like Suffocation, Solstice and Malevolent Creation, with another influence in "Vile" era Cannibal Corpse. The members are certainly capable musicians as they execute the music with lethal precision. The compositions are well thought out and the band clearly took the effort to write actual songs instead of just stringing together a handful of riffs. They incorporate stomping mid-tempo parts into their songs that work incredibly well, but don't confuse these sections with slams. Where some other bands just go for down tuned beatdowns, Decrepit Cadaver employ an approach that remind me of the more pumping mid-tempo parts of acts like Resurrection, Deicide and, again, Malevolent Creation. It injects variation into the songs, making the music pretty catchy and even after a few listens the songs seep into your brain and stay there. I also like to praise the fact that the band make use of guitar leads, something that is often neglected in the brutal death metal genre. These excellent solos add to the aggression that the band have on offer and give the individual tracks that little extra punch. The production keeps it all heavy and clear but without steering into overproduced territory.

There are two points of criticism that I'd like to make though. Halfway through the album the overall sound changes somewhat because the album is recorded in different stages in time, which kinda breaks up the flow of the music. Another point is that the triggers make the drums sound clicky in the fills. Just consider these things a minor flaw in an otherwise really enjoyable death metal offering.

This is a good death metal release that is firmly rooted in the first half of the 90' but at the same time does very much sound like a product of its time. It's aggressive, heavy and well executed and should be able to be an interesting release to all who are into US death metal from 25 years ago but can appreciate bands like Waco Jesus and Viral Load as well.

Rating: 8 out of 10
