The Gathering - Official Website - Interview

How To Measure A Planet?

Netherlands Country of Origin: Netherlands

1. Frail (You Might As Well Be Me)
2. Great Ocean Road
3. Rescue Me
4. My Electricity
5. Liberty Bell
6. Red Is A Slow Colour
7. The Big Sleep
8. Marooned
9. Travel
10. South American Ghost Ride
11. Illuminating
12. Locked Away
13. Probably Built In The Fifties
14. How To Measure A Planet?

Review by Adam on March 20, 2001.

And with this album they offer you even more for you money. This is a two-cd set collection of 14 tracks for enjoyable atmospheric melodic type rock and roll to soothe even the most angry and evil metal fan. Anneke van Giersbergen's voice is as powerful than ever, and she graces each song she is in with a moody yet sensational presence. The album's music is still no match for that which was included on The Gathering's previous cd Nighttime Birds, but is still as soothing and ,at times, hard as ever. So do yourself a favor and have yourself wisked away into the delightful world of The Gathering

Bottom Line: If you like music and you are an adventurous metal listener, then buy this album with an open mind and enjoy!

Rating: 8 out of 10
