Mysteria Mystica Aeterna - Official Website

The Temple Of Eosphoros

Germany Country of Origin: Germany

1. Temple Entrance
2. The Holy Heaven Of Will
3. Thou, Whose Mouth Is A Flame
4. Thelema
5. The Mysteries Of Death
6. The Temple Of Eosphoros

Review by Michael on February 20, 2023.

It's time again to give some music lessons. Can anyone besides me remember the Norwegians from Kvist, who back in 1996 released an absolutely underrated classic of the 2nd wave of black metal called "For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike"? Yeah, you guys back there? What's your name? Mysteria Mystica Aeterna? Soso, when I hear you like this, it doesn't surprise me. And this is also one of your favorite albums? That's not a big surprise either. But it's nice that there are some other people who like the album.

With this I have already said everything necessary about the second album The Temple Of Eosphoros by the two Germans. The guys play very atmospheric, keyboard-heavy black metal, which seems quite mysterious and unfolds a pleasantly calm mood, but subliminally always provides an uneasy feeling. Especially when the duo presents its keyboard passages, one feels reminded of the old Scandinavian role models and immediately wallows in nostalgic feelings. However, when the driving and often slightly harsh guitars start, then you are soon torn out of your comfort zone and you know again that this is not a walk with a few decrepit trolls, but rather pretty cool black metal. Especially the sawing guitar riffs, which are very cleverly combined with the keyboard, are what always remind me of Kvist. Also the often staccato-like drumming and the creaking vocals show certain parallels. But the title track especially pays homage to the first Gehenna EP "First Spell" - the acoustic guitar resurrects the spirit of "Shivering Voice Of The Ghost" - a great song and the tribute here as well! Besides the four traditionally influenced black metal songs, there is an atmospheric intro that quickly draws the listener into its maelstrom and a short interlude called 'Thelema', which is a quiet acoustic guitar part that briefly gives the listener time to breathe and linger. Otherwise, the four "real" songs on the very powerful and well-produced album are orthodox black metal through and through without any new innovations or influences. The songs are all on a similar high quality level and are of average length (between 6 and 10 minutes). However, The Temple Of Eosphoros has become a very entertaining and entertaining album and a clear recommendation for every black metal traditionalist who is somehow stuck in the 90s and still considers the already mentioned Kvist, old Gehenna, Emperor or Satyricon (yes, and because of me also the first two Dimmu Borgir) as his favorite bands. By the way, if you know that drummer Frater Odium Aeternum otherwise has his unholy fingers in the game with death metal bands like Abythic or Abschwörung, you might be even more surprised about the result.

And another small surprise (even I was pleased and that means a lot) - according to Metal-Archives the real Kvist are also active again. Maybe there will be something from Hønefoss again soon....

Rating: 9 out of 10
