Razor - Official Website
Open Hostility |
Review by Felix on September 26, 2022.
I have a special service for all of you who don't want to read long reviews. To get a first impression of "Open Hostility", I would like to quote some comments that users made on YouTube. They say about the seventh full-length of the Canadian pioneers:
- Dave Carlo plays some awesome riffs on this album (written by BGB IB)
- Carlo is genius- I had all the cds and lps - fast heavy thrash with flair (Tiger Mane)
- they used a drum machine. Rob Mills was injured at the time from a car accident (09mrhardabs)
- One of my absolutely favorite Covers. (Renatus Töpke)
- Razor was one of the underdogs of metal!!! (HAHI70)
Some statements are certainly worth to be discussed. Yet the last comment is simply correct. Unfortunately, "Open Hostility" failed to improve the band's reputation. This is not to say that Razor had composed a weak album. However, the effort is not overloaded with fantastic killer tracks. Unlike the casual, exceptional cover, the songs fail to enthuse me. They don't lack of pressure, power or velocity and "In Protest", fittingly kicked off by the sound of smashing glass, marks a very strong opener in view of its brutal and dynamic riffing. But one swallow does not make a summer. The further songs form an extremely homogeneous but simultaneously monotonous record. As soon as the album has come to an end, you will hardly remember an appreciable number of riffs or lines. Pick out a single song and probably you will enjoy its riffs, but the album as a whole is levelling the individual differences between the twelve pieces. With the exception of the aforementioned opener, no song stands out. Razor are definitely angry and this state of mind prevents a more flexible approach.
Probably due to the fantastic artwork I always tried to fall in love with "Open Hostility", but this was a mission impossible. The formulaic pattern of the tracks leads to a lack of dynamism. As a result, the album wears out quickly. The performance of lead vocalist Bob Reid also gives me a hard time. In view of the permanent high-speed creed, he is not able to create a charismatic contribution to the songs. His only aim is to be able to keep up with the fast-paced drums and the restlessly firing guitars. Well, he does not fall by the wayside - but this is not enough to score with a great presentation. Mediocre is the word which describes his style of singing suitably. Unfortunately, the same goes for the drum performance. It lacks of vibrancy and special features. This does not mean that the entire production sucks. The bass guitar is not completely pushed to the margins and the overall impression of the sound reaches a solid level.
Catchiness does not belong to the highest value in terms of thrash metal, but a couple of hardly forgettable parts is always welcome. Thinking back, for example, to the choruses of their classics such as "Take This Torch" or "City of Damnation", it is noticeable that "Open Hostility" fails to deliver comparable sections. No doubt, Razor have composed 100% pure thrash and their tenacity is laudable. Anyway, the songs could have been better. Therefore, the absence of variability and catchiness as well as the relatively small number of intriguing riffs prevent a higher rating. Yet I don't want to hide the fact that some guys will disagree. A glance at YouTube and its illustrious users proves their different opinions:
- Great album ! (speedyrene from holland)
- master piece... (mohancolombia)
- killer album from razor thrash metal legends... so damm perfect... horns up my metal warriors. \m/ (Jamie Warrior Warlord McCallum)
So now it is up to you to form your own opinion.
Rating: 6.9 out of 10