Catachrest - Official Website


Sweden Country of Origin: Sweden

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Type: Demo
Release Date: August 29th, 2021
Label: Independent
Genre: Crust, Thrash
1. Monuments
2. Firestorms!
3. Into The Vault
4. Killing Fields

Review by Carl on July 13, 2023.

If (ex) members of some of my favorite bands like Driller Killer, Gorgosaur, Deranged and Visions Of War combine forces to record a demo of what they themselves call Primitive Thrash Metal Khaos, you can be damn sure that I'm sitting up and paying attention. And fukk yesssss, this does not disappoint at all!!!

Imagine if you will, early Sodom getting into a fistfight with Sarcofago, while Bathory (from around "The Return") and "Deathcrush" era Mayhem are standing by the sideline, ready to sucker punch the both of 'em. Also hanging around, cheering on the chaos and confusion, are raw punk bands such as Disorder, Kaaos and Anti Cimex. This results in a scathing concoction of tremelo picked savage riffing colliding with a battering percussive attack that switches psychotic grinding velocity with pummeling d-beat stomp, while the bass guitar chainsaws its way through the high octane fueled thrash assault. On top of this comes the vicious vocal attack of Åsa, who delivers her lines in a gruff, throaty manner, not unlike Sabina Classen (Holy Moses) does, and this puts the icing on this rough 'n' gruff offering of, indeed, Primitive Thrash Metal Khaos. This is harsh stuff, and do I love this!!

The production follows suit: this is dirty, this is filthy, and sounds as raw as a truck load of ground beef. The best way to describe this is stripped down and chaotic, and I mean that in the best way possible. The overall proceedings occasionally sound like a blur, with the (completely natural) drums pushing the guitars in the back at times, but the beautiful thing is that it all makes sense! Music like this simply cannot exist with Coldplay production, it simply has to ooze chaos, grime and dirt like this. And even with the raw and messy production, it still manages to exude copious amounts of unhinged power and demented aggression. As stuff like this should do!

This is harsh, totally underground stuff, and I basically live for this shit. This is a huge dose of insane punked-up trend-free thrash metal dementia, that flies at your throat with only one intent, and that is to maim, maul and kill. I can only recommend this to those souls hardened in the blazing forges of the extreme music underground, but I'm more than convinced that they will have a blast with it!

Rating: 9 out of 10
