Tetragrammacide - Official Website

Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From The Arachneophidian Qur'an

India Country of Origin: India

1. Trans-linguistic Utterance Of A Sacred Orgasmal Cry Fills The Lemurian Sky (By The Same Mouth, One True God Crieth Hriliu)
2. Spectral Hyaenas Of Amenta Howl, The Vulture Of Ma'at Descends, And Tahuti Watches Without His Ape
3. Mandelbrot Scarab Of Fractal Manifestation Trapped In The Arachnid Webs, Spun Above The Hidden Pathways Into Non-Euclidean Interbetweenness
4. Fundamental Reconciliation Between Maya And Yama Through Perpetual Okbish-Ouroboric Cunnilingus
5. Nuit Arches Over The Neither-Neither City Of Cubes; Hadit Meditates While Hanging Upside Down Inside A Tesseract-Ka'aba
6. Kalikshetra-Kairo Consciousness Revival (Alogical Exegesis Of The Sandhipada-Sarisreepa Continuum Vigyaan)
7. Thanatos And Eros Wrestle Forever, Folding And Unfolding From The Substratum Of Supreme Voidness Of S'lba
8. Intoxicated Bees Of Sekhet-Aarhu Circumambulate The Abode Of Self Beheaded One Who Forever Danceth In Her Shaktisexual Ecstasy
9. One Who Weaves The Chthonic Garland Of 52 Skullphabets Severed By The Sword Of Neti-Neti
10. Golden Ontological Embroideries Of Pythagorean Meta-Geometries Sewn On The Blue Veil Surface Of Nought
11. Fifteen Streams Of Lunar Kalas Secrete From The Quaking Yoni Of The Goddess Sixteen (Tantric Alchemy Of The Cascading Nectars Of Sodashi)

Review by Alex on November 7, 2023.

Armor check, bullets check, guns check, infantry check, things to shoot at check, support? you are the support son. Tetragrammacide set foot once more on the sonic metal plane to assault the unbelievers with their latest onslaught of terror Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From The Arachneophidian Qur'an.

Remember these lads shook the underground with their raw and technical abuse of Primal Incinerators Of Moral Matrix back in 2017, sending waves of disbelief among peers and unfamiliars of their existence. Since then, roughly six years have passed and their artillery has only been getting better. Maturity of their production now shows as with this release we see the Kolkatans continue to devastate the masses with their machine gun type drumming, oppressive vocals and raging guitar structures but to better effect hence the clarity. This one also sees its head raised within the realm of Iron Bonehead, who has been nurturing some of the underground's finest monsters from mere whisper to bouldering shouts that command respect. What we get after the opening intro 'Trans-Linguistic Utterance Of A Sacred Orgasmal Cry Fills the Lemurian Sky (By the Same Mouth, One True God Crieth Hriliu)' is a gigantic wall of sound dominated by battery and vocals immediately steering the listener towards a cataclysmic path on 'Spectral Hyaenas of Amenta Howl, The Vulture Of Ma'at Descends, And Tahuti Watches Without His Ape'. Yea go figure, Tetragrammacide is not bent on changing its ways any time soon with these long fucking track titles that you'd probably finish pronouncing by the time the entire album has ended. Masterclass barbaric blast beat butchery merges with exceptional riffing to compliment it thus forming a metal rampage through and through.

If you couldn't handle that then you won't make it to a track such as 'Nuit Arches Over The Neither-Neither City of Cubes; Hadit Meditates While Hanging Upside Down Inside A Tesseract-ka'aba' for damn sure. The violence on this album is just insane, exciting and does not recede except on brief interludes that barely manage to slow down the heart rate of the listener. And while one might argue that the tracks are too samey, then this just ain't for you. There's really nothing bad a metalhead can say about Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From The Arachneophidian Qur'an, it's to the bone black/death demolition from start to finish. The drums demonstrate a bestial yet controlled and well managed attack while the guitars provide a neat trimming that goes well with the polish of the new production Tetragrammacide has begun to utilize. And for the death metal savvy maniacs, there sounds to be somewhat of an Easter egg on track 9 'One Who Weaves The Chthonic Garland Of 52 Skullphabets Severed By The Sword Of Neti-Neti'; we all know that riff but the name of the song its on won't come to my mind at the moment; it will eventually, I'll go digging through my vinyl catalog of old until I've allocated its origin.

Anyways get Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From The Arachneophidian Qur'an through Iron Bonehead Records on 12" vinyl, cd or digitally, ohhh and that artwork, just fabulous.

Rating: 9 out of 10
