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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: August 4th, 2021
Label: Independent
Genre: Death, Melodic
1. Shoot Your Ugliness
2. Nymphomania
3. Vomiting The Brain
4. Vomiting The Brain
5. Menstrual Chocolatier
6. Hate Fuck
7. Slave Humiliation
8. Victim Of Desire
9. True Humanity
10. Vagina Dentata
11. You're Disgusting

Review by Lawrence Stillman on January 13, 2024.

Seeing a name like Bloody Cumshot, most would think the project would be within the scope of brutal death or goregrind. Nope, it is probably the furthest thing from those 2 genres, and instead the project plays melodic death metal—not just any melodic death metal, but the cleaner variant codified by Childen Of Bodom and At The Gates, known for having harmonized guitars and higher-register harsh vocals. It creates this contrast/juxtaposition where the lyrics fit more into goregrind and brutal death metal, but what comes out of the speaker is pleasing to the ears; it's uncanny.

I have mentioned in the past that I dislike this variant of melodic death metal, but this album in particular has a few things that set it apart from the common offender of the sterilized variant that I mentioned. Namely, the guitar riffs are closer to ones that are found on more technical bands, like earlier Arsis or Quo Vadis, which made the supposedly boring and stale variant of melodeath more enjoyable. The added neoclassical flair is just the cherry on top, giving the music a more complex and mature feel. The short song lengths here actually work in favor of Bloody Cumshot. While having short song lengths is usually a dealbreaker for me, the project's approach to the length is to not make it feel drawn out but instead cram as many solid riffs into it as possible, put a structure around it to make it sound cohesive, and then call it a day. This is an approach I typically see more in tech death and grindcore, but it does work well here as it makes the songs less repetitive and more enjoyable in a vacuum. The other instruments besides the guitar are solid as well; the drums are played in a frantic and frenzied manner full of blast beats, and double bass gave the songs a much-needed fast-paced feeling (although being programmed drums do take away some of the impact). The occasional keyboard here and there doesn't really do much, but it still adds some much-needed variety to the sound.

In short, the juxtaposition between the song title and lyrics and the sound accompanying them created quite a fresh concept for the stale and boring state of the "clean, harmonized, sterile" side of melodic death metal. While it is enjoyable, I still prefer my longer, more tech-/prog-influenced melodic death metal.

Time to dip for another month or two; my university course is killing me.

Highlights: 'Slave Humiliation', 'Vomiting The Brain', 'True Humanity'

Rating: 8.4 out of 10
