Cold Insight - Official Website

Further Nowhere

France Country of Origin: France

1. The Light We Are
2. Midnight Sun
3. Sulphur
4. Close Your Eyes
5. Above
6. Rainside
7. Stillness Days
8. Even Dies A Sun
9. Distance
10. I Will Rise
11. Further Nowhere
12. Deep

Review by Vladimir on April 30, 2024.

My previous experience involving the "Rock Knights" EP by the Swiss band Amethyst has led me to another great heavy metal gem which I also didn’t get the chance to check out in time, that being the Swedish band Century. This time we have another band in the similar vein which successfully revives the classic 80’s heavy metal in all its glory, with their exemplary debut full-length album The Conquest Of Time, released on April 21st, 2023 via Electric Assault Records. Even though I still regret not being able to check it out earlier, it’s always better late than never, and I can safely say that this journey went even more exciting than the previous one. 

From the very get-go, Century strikes hard with rocking out heavy metal that bursts out in flames like a phoenix, providing a nice throwback to the 80’s with amazing vocals and catchy but heavy riffs. Throughout this album, you will also get to hear a lot of the familiarity with classic heavy metal albums from the 80’s, ranging from a variety of significant bands such as Heavy Load, Riot, 80’s Judas Priest, Blitzkrieg, Gotham City and Angel Witch. From start to finish it’s all adrenaline-pumping excitement filled with headbanging energy and full power attack, going non-stop fast against the wind and out of time like a jacked-up roadrunner. This album has plenty of hit tracks which are guaranteed to crawl under your skin and make your blood boil from excitement, always delivering what you expect and then some. Although every track on the album is great in its own way, examples such as 'Black Revenant', 'Sinister Star', 'The Conquest Of Time' and 'Master Hell' are definitely some of the stand outs which for me personally left the strongest impression. The great thing about this album is that its balls never drop in a single moment, because it keeps this consistent flow of heaviness towards the very end, making the listener feel always engaged even when it reaches the final track 'Servants Of The Iron Mask'

Songwriting-wise, the album is dynamic and engaging thanks to its progression, as well as the plethora of ideas and styles that come from their key influences. Every time I would listen to this album, I kept thinking to myself that it’s just mind-blowing how a contemporary heavy metal band such as Century managed to create something that sounds as if it came out between 1980 and 1985, all the way down to the riffs and choruses with the overall clean and organic sound production. To make an album such as this in 2023 seems like an impossible task that no living soul can pull off, but in the case of Century, we were proven wrong, as well as with many other bands who are similar in style, such as Amethyst for example. It’s impossible to find a flaw about this album because it’s so good that it gives you goosebumps how great and authentic it sounds, leaving no room for disappointment and constantly staying on track. 

The Conquest Of Time is such a great album that it is equally nostalgic and excellent all the way through, giving the maximum satisfaction that an oldschool heavy metal fan could ever ask for. It’s such a rewarding feeling when you get to fully immerse yourself and enjoy this amazing work of art that was crafted with such effort and care that comes from the members of Century, with the goal of creating something that both the fans and the band can love and appreciate. This album is possibly one of the greatest things I have discovered lately, and it will be very hard to let go because right now I thirst for more action, which I know we’ll definitely get in the near future. 

Rating: 9 out of 10
