Rarog'g - Official Website

Homo Ad Fundum

Poland Country of Origin: Poland

Homo Ad Fundum
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: January 26th, 2024
Label: Independent
Genre: Black
1. Oczyszczenie
2. Poprzez Czarne Światło
3. Gniew
4. F.T.C II
5. Surtur's Fire
6. Początek Końca Koniec Początku
7. Funus Mundi

Review by Vladimir on September 28, 2024.

Black metal albums are many, and although many of them may be good, only very few of them are great. It’s a very deep ocean where you really need to look for the right place and the right time to find something worth the while, but in the case of the Polish band Rarog'g from Nowy Targ, this one really caught me by surprise. I was recently recommended to check out their third independent full-length album Homo Ad Fundum, released on January 26th, 2024, and little did I know what I was getting myself into, because this one has got a story to tell. If you wonder what it's all about, then stay tuned to find out. 

I must say that from the very get-go, Rarog'g really started off with such a strong note, because the band displays a very interesting and catchy black metal with incredible riff work that fluently transitions from the intense tremolo picking to the catchy and punchy mid-tempo action, where the dynamic drumming and harsh vocals truly shine within the songs. Throughout this album you will come across the traditional of black metal elements, and although they might seem usual at first, they are actually well executed in such a manner where the riffs and the melodies successfully maintain their edge, because they are all so incredibly immersive that the songs will easily crawl under your skin. Rarog'g’s songs are enriched with macabre atmosphere that flows within their tight and powerful performance, generating such grim aura that plays a crucial psychological role throughout this entire journey, and the most impressive thing is that the grimness manages to remain on a very high bar as the album progresses. My favourite song out of the bunch would have to be 'Surtur's Fire' for its powerful mid-tempo heaviness that switches into this chaotic blast beat madness during the second half, and with delivery such as that it’s impossible to stand still and not headbang to the heavy tune. When it comes to the overall progression, it’s very much like “the further it goes the darker it gets”, because when you get to the tracks like 'Początek Końca Koniec Początku', it feels like you are watching a starless sky as the full moon is sinking slowly in the black clouds, embracing a pitch-black night that will unleash all the demons that dwell in the underworld. Like icing on the cake with the sweet cherry on the top, the epic conclusion to this journey comes in the form of the epic symphonic instrumental track 'Funus Mundi', which reminded me of “Summoning Of The Muse” by Dead Can Dance from their phenomenal third album "Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun", but with a bit of a twist with the execution leaning in the style of the dark ambient band Nox Arcana. Not only was this a great way to end an album, but it was also a very big surprise to me who is a fan of both darkwave artists, and I wouldn’t be surprised if either of the two were influences for this outro track. 

The songwriting is actually quite impressive, because aside from the usual and familiar traits of the subgenre, you still get a very dynamic range of ideas from the riff ideas to the overall song structures. I must say, without any initial expectations, this one really knocked me out of the park right away, because it’s got such an incredible tightness and power to the songs that it keeps you engaged throughout this entire journey without losing interest in what is going on at the moment. Not so many black metal bands manage to keep the listener on edge, yet in this case, it was so effectively done that it just made me curious and curiouser, especially as we got closer to the grand climax of Homo Ad Fundum. I really adore that this album has depth to it, not just in terms of the themes or the musicality, but also the feel that you get when you explore the various layers of their music, because it’s truly so complex yet so sophisticated that you just have a feeling that this band might be too good for black metal. When it comes to the overall style of Rarog'g, I heard various influences coming from bands like Bathory, Gorgoroth, Behexen, Sargeist and Horna to name a few, but with all of them combined together that they shape this wonderfully master crafted sound of the band. Aside from all the highlights of the album, the last remaining one would be the superb sound production, which really brings out the best of their musical essence with this top-notch and high-quality mix that dominates throughout the entire Homo Ad Fundum

Wow, what a real banger this one is! I was really blown away by this beast of an album that Rarog'g presented with such style and finesse that it’s unreal. For an album that’s so bloody good, you just can’t help but feel so frustrated that this one isn’t talked about more, because it is definitely one of the most pleasant and highly engaging listening experiences of this year. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I suggest that you do it right away, because this one is a real killer. 

Rating: 9 out of 10
