Wolves' Winter - Official Website

Qayin Coronatvs

Argentina Country of Origin: Argentina

Qayin Coronatvs
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: October 7th, 2021
Label: Independent
Genre: Black
1. Consagration Of Qayin I
2. Dethroning The Fallen Ancients
3. Eclipsed By Fire
4. The Splendour Of Sulphurous Knowledge
5. Gnosis Of The No-Light
6. Mallevs Maleficarvm
7. Consagration Of Qayin II
8. Underneath The Drowned Stars
9. Ars Necromantia
10. Saturnian Manifest
11. Conjuration
12. Consagration Of Qayin III
13. Kuoleva Lupaus (Horna Cover)