Unholy Grave - Official Website

Total Agathocles

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Total Agathocles
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: July 8th, 2022
Label: Independent
Genre: Grindcore, Noise
1. Systemphobic (Agathocles Cover)
2. Untl It Bleeds (Agathocles Cover)
3. Didn't Ask (Agathocles Cover)
4. Labelisation (Agathocles Cover)
5. Cheers Mankind Cheers (Agathocles Cover)
6. A Start At Least (Agathocles Cover)
7. Is It Really Mine? (Agathocles Cover)
8. Go Fucking Nihilist (Agathocles Cover)
9. Try! (Agathocles Cover)
10. Criminalisation Of Strange Behaviour (Agathocles Cover)