Lord Belial - Official Website - Interview

The Seal Of Belial

Sweden Country of Origin: Sweden

The Seal Of Belial
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: 2004
Genre: Black
1. Summon The Legions
2. Unholy Crusade
3. War Of Hate
4. Lord Of Evil Spirits
5. Death Is The Gate
6. Bleed On The Cross
7. Divide Et Impera
8. Master Of Destruction
9. Night Divine
10. And Heaven Eternally Burns (Realm Of A Thousand Burning Souls Part II)
1. Prolusio: Acies Sigillum
2. Sons Of Belial
3. Chariot Of Fire
4. Abysmal Hate
5. Legio Inferi
6. Mark Of The Beast
7. Armageddon Revelation
8. Scythe Of Death