Charon - Official Website


Finland Country of Origin: Finland

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Release Date: 2000
Genre: Gothic, Rock
1. Worthless
2. Sorrowbringer
3. 4 Reasons Rush
4. Christina Bleeds
5. Deepest Scar
6. The Drift
7. Sin
8. Holy
9. Your Christ
10. As We Die
11. The Stone

Review by Krys on March 10, 2001.

What can I say? The Finns have new mushrooms in their woods. It’s almost unbelievable how many good bands have come into being over the last few years from this country. I’m not even going to start naming them, if you don’t know what I’m talking about I just feel sorry for you. Really!!!

Charon’s second full-length release, "Tearstained", marks a huge step in the amazing development of this young band. Although their music seems to be heavily influenced by bands like Sentenced and Amorphis, these guys incorporate those moments in such a fine style that if you like said bands then Charon might become your favorite one. Don’t think that this is just another copy of Sentenced, it’s not.

First of all Juha-Pekka Leppaluoto has an amazing naturally deep voice, which sets the tone for the music on this album. He doesn’t try to growl or scream, it’s just a clean (if you haven’t guessed it already) gentle voice. For a great example of his skills, listen to "4 Seasons Rush", it will take you out of your shoes.

The rest of the band doesn’t just stay behind and play their notes either. All instruments are in perfect harmony with each other and I have this feeling that adding one note would cause the song structure fall apart. The whole album sound is so warm to the ear that after this melancholy journey I felt like I was in the safest place on earth.

Believe me, there are no bad songs on this release, only good ones and killers, let me just present the list of killers: "Worthless", "Sorrowbringer", "4 Seasons Rush", "Holy", "Your Christ" and "As We Die".

Bottom Line: If you don’t want to walk down the street singing, don’t buy it. This music stays in the head for days!!!

Rating: 9 out of 10
