Agony Spawn - Official Website

Metal Vitality

Canada Country of Origin: Canada

Metal Vitality
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Type: EP
Release Date: 2011
Label: Self Released
Genre: Death
1. Metal Vitality
2. Bodies For Breakfast
3. Fabulous Fetus Farm
4. Engineering Obliteration
5. Blood Spill
6. Disgust
7. Blood Stained Collar (Bonus Unfinished)

Review by JD on May 15, 2011.

I always knew that the local metal scene here had a diamond in the rough just waiting for me to find it, and I just had to find it. Boy, have I found a band that could be one of the major forces in Death Metal here. Let me tell you of Saskatoon Sk, Canada’s answer to Carcass...Agony Spawn.

With slashing guitars, brutal melodies that burn into your dreams and mind mangling and major gory lyrics to go with it all into one package, Agony Spawn are ones to watch. With all the tools needed, not to mention having this amazing 17 year old girl drummer (Lexie Miller) that kicks harder and plays nastier than anyone out there in any genre of metal - I will make it my solemn mission to make the entire metal world hear about them.

This whole EP is exceptional, but recording wise it is a little on the rough side (a lot) - but for a self recording, it is pretty good. Each song is powerful and well crafted , add in guitar work that is amazing from the start, you have a amazing demo. Even the unfinished track they added on for my benefit was damned good... and shows a band with unlimited potential just waiting to be discovered, to be mentor and then - then fully allowed to be completely unleashed on the metallic masses to take over.

It just goes to show you that a band from a small city of just over 200,000 people can develop a band that very well could be the next metallic force for the world to reckon with. Agony Spawn is that band and all metal labels better take good fucking look and then act on getting these unknown warriors of melodic and powerful Death Metal out there. Saskatoon metal fucking rocks... I always knew that, now there is a band that backs me up!

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 8.5
Atmosphere: 8
Production: 7
Originality: 8.5
Overall: 8

Rating: 8 out of 10
