Ignition Code - Official Website


Italy Country of Origin: Italy

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Release Date: 2010
Label: Self Released
Genre: Death, Math, Metalcore

Review by JD on November 10, 2011.

I have to say, Italy is becoming a world leader and a world shaper in metal. Some of my favorite bands right at the moment are from this Italian metal pool (Oath, Homicide Hagridden, Sidus Tenebrarum, etc). Coming from the boot shaped country, comes a very furious and extremely intense five piece band called Ignition Code.

Playing a furious version of Technical/Melodic Death Metal with aspects of Mathcore thrown in, these guys clearly don’t fool around. Slashing riffs, grinding bass runs and thundering drums with viciously nasty vocals shape this band into a group that has it all. Talent with insane passion equals only two words that I can come up with right now: Ignition Code.

Three very solid tracks grace this EP, and I hunger for more soon after the music stopped. Each song rides along with this distinctive feel of confidence and power, while having in spots the complexities that would surprise even the most technical of Progressive bands, showing the bands sheer prowess at their craft. It is that sort of mix, that will get them noticed in a heartbeat.

I listen to this EP so many times before writing this, each time being more and more impressed with the command that Ignition Code had. I never liked Mathcore/Metalcore styles very much, but I loved this. It was impressive and I am the first one to admit to that. Ignition Code is a hell of a band.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 8.5
Atmosphere: 8.5
Production: 8
Overall: 8

Rating:8.2 out of 10
