Ondfødt - Interview

An intro to Satanic Warmaster? Anyone under the black mark whose understanding of black metal runs deeper than the mainstream should very well know the work of Werwolf and SW. The truest black metal set ablaze by the purest evil and a lust for the Satanic way - always under the seal of the underground - never relinquishing unto anyone or any major label his integrity. Werwolf has - just like so many other BM artists - fallen under the scrutiny and even the skewed judgement of PC Warriors and "anti-fascist" groups for his alleged ties to NSBM. All speculation of course. These idiots very rarely get it right and over the years, Werwolf has very eloquently through his interviews defined his personal beliefs along with the moronic nature of his antagonizers. This discussion is no exception. During my latest interview, Werwolf of Satanic Warmaster discusses his permanent underground residence, his latest album, "Aamongandr" and the futility of the anti-black metal movement.


You've released a staggering number of records throughout the years under the SW banner and as a part of other projects. As an artist, I understand that inspiration can be a fickle bitch, so to be so prolific is not always easy. To what do we accredit this seemingly unquenchable thirst for creating black metal?

Werwolf: Black metal is the perfect expression for the things I want to portray in this world: darkness, wisdom and death.

I think I understand why you've chosen to avoid major record labels your entire career. The underground has maintained its integrity throughout the years, even now in the age of mass-communication, and it's due mostly to all the prestigious and uncompromising underground labels out there. What is it exactly that keeps you beneath the surface?

Naturally, at a very early stage, major labels started to avoid me as well, even though many would sign Satanic Warmaster without hesitation if my creation was more tame and canonized as purely entertainment and not Pure Black Metal in it's truest form. The current state with me releasing my own music is natural as I want to have full control of the process of creating a release, and I have no need for anyone to interfere with that.

You've released a new record in "Aamongandr", which was brought to us by Werewolf Records on December 30, 2022.

Conceptually, the album is a daemonic gestalt of devil worship, death and darkness. With "Aamongandr", I wanted to invoke certain specific entities from beyond to once again transform and raise the banner of the Unholy War even higher.

Considering the timing, the overall energy of the music and even the epic cover art, "Aamongandr" feels like a breakthrough album that's going to appeal to just about anyone who appreciates black metal. What, if anything, did you do differently this time?

I did everything somewhat differently as I do with every album. I always consider each of my albums an entity of its own, and the process to create one is always unique. This time, I pursued an even more "band-like" musical dynamic; more intense sound and arc of drama on the album as well as lyrically having a more focused theme.

Was it black metal that led you to Satanism or did Satanism lead you to black metal?

Satanism lead me into black metal.

Satanic Warmaster is obviously the product of your deep-running Satanic convictions. As a Satanist and a black metal musician, how do you feel about the commercialization of Satanism and mainstream black metal bands who naively or just blatantly use related themes and imagery as a means to sell records?

There's nothing out of the ordinary in that. Those who think they are doing it for their own benefit are still sparking and fueling interest towards evil with their actions. So, it all serves the same purpose.

Some people have this twisted idea that true black metal is tied to various extreme politically-based isms. I feel like black metal transcends such commonality. Can politics and true black metal even occupy the same space?

It speaks more of the surrounding world than black metal. People who cry about black metal bands being political the wrong way are the ones who need transgressive and boundless people as their supposed opponents to justify their own political agenda and at times their whole existence. Black metal and politics are never in the same space, and if they are, either in the supposed left or right of the sphere… that's just fucking stupid.

As an artist who's dealt with more than his fair share of false accusations over the years, and considering the perpetual witch hunt that's taking place throughout the world of black metal along with cancel culture and its impact on the scene, from your perspective, what do you think the future holds for the genre?

People who go after black metal are doing a great disservice to themselves and making black metal even more seductive than it was before. The fact that most of these people who are obsessed with finding out which black metal bands are "sketchy" and yet are absolutely spellbound by the music, which in it's purest form is never aligned with any social justice schemes, proves my point.

What does the future hold for Satanic Warmaster?

There will be a few concerts, and then something else which will be revealed soon.

Do you have a message for the horde?


Entered: 7/1/2024 5:34:14 PM

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