Cult Of Luna - Official Website - Interview


Sweden Country of Origin: Sweden

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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: 2013
Genre: Atmospheric, Hardcore, Progressive, Sludge
1. The One
2. I: The Weapon
3. Vicarious Redemption
4. The Sweep
5. Synchronicity
6. Mute Departure
7. Disharmonia
8. In Awe Of

Review by Adam M on February 22, 2013.

Cult Of Luna is a Heavy Metal record from a band that has taken a remarkably long time off writing music in a similar fashion to another band by the name of Neurosis who released a highly regarded album recently. The band shows a renewed interest in creating a more friction filled environment of sounds that have a greater raw beauty and power combined in equal measure.

The new album is much less pedestrian in sound than recent entries by the band and carries forward a much denser atmosphere overall. The need for moods is what is going to carry this band as a force in the future and what will partially help them solely make up for the loss of the band Isis alone. There is an angry aura that overtakes the songs here and this band is suited more towards this tone than Neurosis which has adapted more nicely to the gentler atmospherics. These are interspersed throughout, but the heaviness overtakes everything throughout in a magnificent manner. In terms of progressive tendencies, the thoughtfulness of the band takes over with several shifts of direction and meaning throughout as displayed by songs like 'Synchronicity'.

This is a band finding a good ground and many should only appreciate them as one of the powerhouses of the post-metal genre throughout the future. An early highlight for the year 2013 in music is found via "Vertikal".

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 9.5
Atmosphere: 9.5
Production: 9
Originality: 8
Overall: 9

Rating: 9 out of 10
