Cult Of Luna - Official Website - Interview


Sweden Country of Origin: Sweden

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Type: Collaboration
Release Date: April 8th, 2016
Genre: Atmospheric, Progressive, Sludge

Review by Adam M on November 1, 2016.

Cult of Luna performs their take on post-metal yet again with Mariner. The music here is quite addicting in its grooves and gyrations. The riffs are huge and complemented by two vocal styles now. There is the standard Cult of Luna vocalist, but also now the added emphasis of Julie Christmas. She makes these songs sound more eerie. The remainder of the music is atmospheric and manages to sound industrial in nature as well.

The whole ensemble is something intriguing and interesting to listen to. This album is one that gets progressively better as it goes along. The song Cygnus goes through several movements and has a huge crescendo that is spectacular to behold. A number of more minor tracks build up to this moment through the post-metal style that is very encompassing. They have intense moments in them that also build up to a climax. However, it is the final track where everything comes together on this disc. It is there that the potential of the album is finally fulfilled. It’s as if the smaller moments in the other tracks have a purpose and are put to use through the final monster of a song on this album. The music has various moods, but the outlook is fairly bleak and sterile sounding. This has always been the case with Cult of Luna albums and the trend continues here. The music still doesn’t have quite the epic buildup that its predecessor Vertikal had and is a small step down.

Still, with the music of Cult of Luna you can still expect an excellent album that’s completely grand in nature. Mariner is just not quite as memorable of emphatic as the last album. The songs of Cult of Luna are still drenched in feeling and moves along at a fairly slow, yet impactful pace. This music comes recommended for fans of the band.

Rating: 8.5 out 10
