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The Ultimate Multiverse

International Country of Origin: International

2. One Hundred
3. Worlds Apart
4. Consumed
5. We Will Not Fall
6. Asimov

Review by Tobias on February 28, 2002.

If ever the godfather of metal, Black Sabbath, had a younger more athletic brother, his name would be Pentagram, riding the same doom tone as their elders like a determined Tommy Chong on a warhorse.

Bucking out tunes to lose your sobriety to since 1972, “The Ram Family” have put together a collection of their early material in a repaired and remastered fashion. Of course, that would sound like a silly statement to many who are not familiar with the thinner recording qualities of low-funded music projects in the seventies… but believe me, from the small budgeted recording material that made up this disc, it’s a great improvement!

From the rolling doom opener Forever My Queen on down the line to the energetic and fascinatingly atmospheric Starlady, Pentagram massages their seething fingers into your back and get you hooked.

Like many aged liquors, Pentagram is an acquired taste. Similarly though, when you get the flavor for it, you return to it often and it will engross you. The spacey but tough rockin’ guitar licks and solos of Vincent McAllister coating the chunky fuzz blocks that the rest of the band pump out with tenacious artistry will leave you wondering how the music could sound so hard and raw yet so edematous.

Call it doom or fuzz or stoner metal, Pentagram is to be respected for what they do. Make no mistake, this is not a Black Sabbath clone; this is original metal born of similar roots with a mind all its own.

Bottom Line: This is about as great as energetic classic doom metal gets.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 7
Atmosphere: 10
Production: 6
Originality: 9
Overall: 10

Rating: 8.4 out of 10


Review by Alex on June 19, 2020.

Enter the vessel and prepare for a space geodesy when you get your hands-on Chaos Over Cosmos' second full length album, The Ultimate Multiverse. Having always been a supporter of progressive metal but rarely finding the time to highlight a few bands, after hearing this album, I refused to let the opportunity slip-away. I think my gravitation to the sub-genre was aided by the video games I started playing in the early 2000s; Betty Bad, Dark Orbit and a bunch of titles from Wild Tangent really molded my interest in real science and science fiction through the worlds those games presented for adventure and the ambient music that accompanied them. But to hear metal bands give musical representations of themes rooted in science fiction and video games could be just as exhilarating and adventurous as playing a video game of that nature.

The Ultimate Multiverse resurrects feelings of getting tossed into some random place in space or a planet unknown to man and even incites nostalgia, making you wish you still had your HP Pavilion PC with those trial version video games that came with it. Its combination of highly catchy melodies, darkly ambient revealing keyboard atmospheres and guitar solos telling of a nomadic drift outer space, reconnects the listener with his/her inner child. I haven't enjoyed a progressive metal album this much since first hearing Synthetic Breed's Perpetual Motion Machine, and while The Ultimate Multiverse is different from that album (at least on a technical level), I can't help listening to it repeatedly as I would that of Synthetic Breed's.

I could take songs like 'Cascading Darkness' and 'One Hundred' and use them as theme music for Dark Orbit or even Dreadnought. The keyboard synth is on-point as far as launching you into these wondrous all the while shadowy atmospheres mantling the music as heard on previously mentioned 'Cascading Darkness', that at the same time, has enough room to facilitate the progressive reciprocation occurring. Take a song like 'One Hundred' or 'Worlds Apart' and strip away a single feature at a time and you'd still get a fairly serviceable piece of music due to the competent and high concentrates of any select element. Progressive and ambient stretches ignite and engage in a matrimony that'd directly affect the appearance of a song. Then they're so many instances of the vocals being interchanged and strategically swapped to amplify an effect that you could really struggle trying to parenthesize the music as a whole. You'd get that feeling on 'Consumed' that really starts reaching for the skies so to speak in terms of the juggle between clean vocals, death growls and those post-core screams, all the while frequently masking its appearance through the musical diversity.

The drums are programmed; however, I did not identify this immediately because of the human element attached to it. The sequences don't sound as though they can't be replicated live by a real person; instead, though being computerized, the drumming maintains technical organic-ism and/or believable functionality. The riffing is phenomenal, select any solo and it'd qualify as a highlight on The Ultimate Multiverse. Those power and progressive metal guitars battle it out on we 'We Will Not Fall', delivering a jaw-dropping dose of six-stringed ecstasy. The Ultimate Multiverse is out of this world! I'd highly recommend this for anyone that enjoys Animals As Leaders, Devin Townsend Project or even non-metal stuff like DarWin. The Ultimate Multiverse invades all orbits and hemispheres via Narcoleptica Productions June 20th, 2020.

Rating: 8.8 out of 10
