Satanic Warmaster - Official Website - Interview


Finland Country of Origin: Finland

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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: December 30th, 2022
Genre: Black
1. Bafomet
2. Duke's Ride
3. Beserk Death
4. The Eye Of Satan
5. Darkness... Triumphator
6. Barbas X Aamon

Review by JD on September 12, 2013.

Opting not to watch my favourite baseball team get their asses kicked all over the diamond on TV, I sat down to do a review of Sinister Realm. Gotta tell you, it is one of my better decisions considering the alternative of seeing my team get literally killed by a team they have no reason to lose to.

Hailing from Pennsylvania, this five piece have been blowing the doors off of that state with its brand of metal. Combining some very Traditional Metal with some Doomier aspects, not to mention a pinch or two of older Power Metal as well – Sinister Realm explodes with everything that is great about metal. Shades of the late Dio,Maiden, Sabbath and the mighty Priest all live on this CD with a life all of its own.

I have a few favorite songs on the album, in fact I love them all, but a couple really have caught this old bangers ears. I appreciate the albums explosive opener, a mid-tempo grinder called 'Dark Angel Of Fate' – strong and catchy with no signs of wimpyness. The other tracks I like are the powerful 'World Of Evil' and the impressive riff that carries 'Cyber Villain' leads to headbanging. The others are good old school metallic goodness, but these are the ones I seem to replay these ones over and over again.

It is good to hear the passion and power that the old school still holds, when the new crop of musicians bring it back to its glory. Regardless of the time that has past, and as all of the new metal develops and comes out – the effect that the old school still comes back and makes us love it even more and appreciates that they are just a relevant as ever. Raise a beer, and the horns – metal still reigns supreme in the form of Sinister Realm.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 10
Atmosphere: 10
Production: 9.5
Originality: 9.5
Overall: 10

Rating: 9.8 out of 10


Review by Felix on December 4, 2022.

Satanic Warmaster has sold hundreds of thousands of albums internationally.” Ahahahahaha. Frankly, I didn’t know that there is so much humor in black metal (promos). May I also tell some funny nonsense? Metallica will open the stage for the main act on Satanic Warmaster’s next world tour. Bad joke, you’re right. Perhaps I am well advised to put the focus on Aamongandr.

The first song bursts out of the speakers immediately, no warning, no intro, no warm-up period. My first impression was that this approach could result in a pretty one-dimensional output. Only full speed ahead with restlessly hammering drums is always at risk to be not enough. But the venomous gnome who runs Satanic Warmaster was obviously aware of this danger. Thus he has equipped 'Berserk Death' with both grumbling guitars at the very strong beginning and keyboards that take the lead as the song progresses. Don’t worry, this instrument is cleverly used. It creates a slightly spooky atmosphere without pouring sugar on the guitar lines. Moreover, its melody line gives the song a great flavor. Nevertheless, the guitars do not stand in the shadow of the keyboards. Due to the dense production, they form an impenetrable fog. But the permanently humming guitars do not swallow the drums and the vocals are also put in the right light. All in all, they build a solid wall of sound in the fast sections, but they leave an impact during the mid-tempo parts as well. 'Duke’s Ride' probably will show you what I mean – a good song, although its calm break and the following part (inspired by early and then still authentic Dimmu Borgir?) are slightly irritating. Considering the somewhat melancholic opening riff of the closer, Burzum is another influence of Satanic Warmaster.

Werwolf, the man behind the project, is not only a Finnish citizen. He is also involved in many other bands. It therefore goes without saying that he knows all essential ingredients for a black metal album. Okay, this does not prevent that some standard parts have crept in. Not boring ones, to be clear, but standard. Anyway, the dude is able to give his art some unexpected impulses from time to time. 'The Eye Of Satan', for example, is not only a wrathful orgy of high-velocity parts and less stormy sections with cleverly interspersed keyboards. To my surprise, an almost folkloric melody battles with the wall of metallic noise during the last 50 seconds of this track and gives the song an additional flavor. The nearly seven minutes of 'Darkness… Triumphator' do not know such gimmicks, but their headstrong stubbornness impresses me. This is not the first song (and it won’t be the last, hopefully) that sets the focus on rapid rhythms and infernal guitar lines, but it is excellently executed. Too bad that we cannot say the same about the promo text which seems to be done by a weekend poet with an affinity for never-ending sentences. But please spare me quoting further details from it.

Rating: 7.9 out of 10
